Chapter twenty-nine: He wants her

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"My love, are you alright?" She stepped back and I began to worry

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"My love, are you alright?" She stepped back and I began to worry. I saw her legs give out and almost drop to the ground until I caught her in my arms. "Love, hold on." I looked at her face and hoped that she'd stay awake. I picked her up bridal style and carried her inside. As I approached the stairs, she passed out. "Cazzo, amore." I walked in and Aldo noticed us.

"Che cazzo?" He looked worried as hell as he approached us. I went up the stairs towards my room with Aldo right behind me.

"She passed out." Aldo opened my door and I rushed to lay her down.

"Did she eat something?" I nodded.

"There were cupcakes which I assume had something. Get the doctor or Laura." Aldo nodded and went out of the room. I removed her heels and covered her legs with a blanket. I caressed her cheek and hoped that it wasn't anything serious. "My love, please be okay." Laura rushed in with Ce's brothers, Lorenzo and her parents. Laura went up to her while I backed away as much as I wanted to be next to her.

"She ate a cupcake?" Laura asked and I nodded.

"Yes, I had the same thing but I'm fine. I mean a different cupcake but from the same tray." she nodded and checked my love's eyes. Fury began to grow in me because I was not going to let anyone hurt her. "She seems to be on maprotiline. I assume she had blurred vision and you can tell her mouth is dry."

"Is that bad?" She shook her head no.

"It's a drug that is used as anxiety medication but when overdosed, it can cause these symptoms. I'd like to do a blood test though."

"Do what you have to."

"I was hoping to get Giorgia's or Dante's approval." I looked up at them.

"I trust Liam. Do what you have to, Laura." I nodded. I was pleased to know that Dante trusted me on this. It wasn't like I wanted to harm her. But I wouldn't blame him for believing so.

"Alright, I'd like to keep just a few people here-"

"I'm staying," I announced and got an approving nod from Dante.

"Giorgia can stay with Lorenzo we'll head out and try to find out who it was." I nodded.

"Make sure to ask my side of the family, I have a suspicion that one of them did that." Dante nodded before they left the room.

I didn't want to accuse my family but I didn't have a good feeling about my father. Although I knew that he'd deny it.

"So, since it's just us here, you seem to really care for her," Laura said as she began to take out blood from Celeste.

"I don't know what you want me to tell you."

"Liam, us three have nothing against you two dating. Even Dante would be fine." Giorgia said and I nodded.

"Yeah, I asked her to be my girlfriend like fifteen minutes ago and she agreed." Giorgia's face lit up as she approached me and went in for a hug. I was glad to see she was happy. I was sure Celeste would be relieved with how well her family reacted to our relationship. Not everyone was against us. But I knew now I was walking on thin ice with them. One wrong move and I'd be meeting Satan in his kingdom.

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