Chapter thirty-six: In another lifetime

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I walked up to my room with Margo close behind me

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I walked up to my room with Margo close behind me. I sat on my bed while Mar came up beside me. I wasn't able to hold back the tears and broke down.

"Oh god, Cel, you'll be alright," Mar said as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Luciana said that I shouldn't blame him."


"The voicemail. She said that he loves me and definitely wasn't behind this."

"Did you believe him?"

"I wanted to. Now I think I do. There's no reason for him to lie if he loves me." I wanted him more than ever right now. I wanted to be in his hold, to feel him close. He made me feel loved. But because of his decision, I wasn't able to save Luciana.

"And what was the shit about him being like him or them?"

"He used me like those two shits did."

"Was that all?" I shook my head no.

"On the plane, he acted like Luca for one moment. He acted as if I belong to only him and that I can't sleep nor kiss any other male that isn't him. He said that with the most anger that I've ever seen in his eyes. He threatened me. Didn't say it just to play with me but actually threatened me. I was genuinely afraid of him." Mar caressed my head with her hand.

"Cel, you know that you're stronger than that. Sure you're in love with him but show him that you're not into him. Make him work for it." I smiled.

"Mar, there will never be us anymore."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, everyone was right. People like us would never work."


"I know that there's a lot of love between us but the fact that we're from rival families, is just enough to break us up." I pulled away and stood up to begin packing the rest of my clothes.

"Are you going to talk to him?" I shook my head no and brought my suitcases from my closet.

"There's really not much I can say to him. And the stab was definitely something that will upset him."

"Why did you do that?" I placed the three suitcases on the floor beside my closet.

"He grabbed me when he shouldn't have. Although, I didn't realize it was him until he said my name."

"I reckon you should at least thank him for everything." I chuckled.

"I think him doing what he did is enough of an apology on his side. So let's make it even." I began to fold my clothes. "Oh, and can you please order Steve to get the stuff that Luciana left on her plane?" I looked at Margo and she nodded.

"I'll do that." She stood up before she went towards the door. "I'll go pack as well. If anything happens or you need me just call. Also, my parents and Margherita will stay behind for business reasons." I smiled and nodded.

Queen of the Empire ✓ | #1 |Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt