"Hey." I said as he stood up.

"You look beautiful." He grinned walking towards me and placing a kiss on my cheek. Erin cleared his throat causing me to playfully glare.

"Devin, this is Erin my best friend, and Erin this is Devin. My boyfriend." I said.

"Nice to meet you." Devin said sticking his hand out to be shaken.

"Mm. Nice to meet you too." He said side eyeing him.

"Hey Jeremy" I said as he stood elba king towards us.

"Hey Lauren. How are you?" He asked.

"I'm well. How are you?" I asked smiling.

"Great." He said hugging me.

"Y'all ready to head out?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's go or we are never going to eat." Erin said.

"Where are we eating?" I asked him.

"I want sushi." Erin said.

"No. We eat sushi at the shop every Wednesday." I whined.

"I wasn't at work Wednesday." He said

"Oh well. I'm not into raw fish tonight, plus you know those waits are gonna be crazy. It's Saturday." I reminded.

"Well if we don't eat sushi let's go with some soul food." He said.

Sushi to Soul food? Really

"Alright, where at?" I asked.

"Your mamas lounge. It's poetry night. I'm gonna tell Kelsey to meet us." He said

"Alright. That sounds cool to me." I said shrugging. "How bout y'all? Soulfood good?" I asked.

"Anything Erin wants is fine with me." Jeremy shrugged smiling.

Erin smirked. "That's right Bae." He said walking out the house

We got in separate cars, driving towards my moms restaurant. It has a lounge like feel but the food is great and it's live band and great music all the time.

"So, now I get to meet Erin and Kels." He laughed.

I grinned. "Yeah. Don't worry though, Kels is calmer than Erin."

"Good because when Erin came in the house he was giving me death glares and asking me if I've ever been to prison." He said shaking his head.

"Oh he's far from done babe but you'll be just fine." I smiled.

"I know because I'm with you." He said squeezing my hand as he drove.

"Awe. Look at you being all sweet." I said pecking his cheek.

He laughed and pulled into my mothers restaurant Carter's Soul and we got out.

"Kelsey's here she got us a table. She said it's packed." Erin said linking arms with me.

"It's forever packed. I hope tiff is here." I said.

"Why Tiffany need to be here?" He asked. "I can't stand that heffa she stole my husband." He said salty.

I laughed. "James never wanted you."

"You don't know that. I could have turned your brother out." He told me.

Jeremy looked at him questionably. "Oh really?" He asked

"Turn him out to Jesus babe." He said smiling.

I laughed. "Bitch what? You don't even got to church."

"Yes I do." He said as I made my way through the crowd and to the section Kelsey was In.

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