Chapter 39

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It's been a week since the ring for Clarke had started to get made and it's finally almost done.  Right now isn't really the best for Lexa but she knows it'll all be worth it. Her and Clarke have been really distant. For example Lexa would never be home when Clarke woke up and she'd never be at the school when Clarke would go and look for her, she was always up with Lora helping her make the ring as perfect as she could. Clarke has tried to ask Lexa about what's going on but all Lexa does is blow her off and Clarke's finally has had enough of it.

Lexa was outside sitting on the swings with Felix after she just got done teaching the last class of the week.

"Why aren't you at home?" Lexa asked, considering his class ended three hours ago.

"I was bored, can a kid not ever be bored" Felix groaned as he started swinging.

"Oh shut up" Lexa said rolling her eyes.

"Hey Felix, do you have a crush on anyone in your class?" Lexa smirked. All Felix did was pretend to gag and shake his head.

"Ew ew ew no way, kissing is gross, ew, I bet you kiss someone since your an adult" Felix said as he began to fake gag again.

"I do kiss someone actually, and I have a secret to tell you, can I?" Lexa asked softly. Felix left out the kissing part and just nodded enthusiastically at the word 'secret'.

"Okay, promise you won't tell anyone?" Lexa asked. Felix nodded again then they pinkie promised.

"Okay, I'm asking the person I kiss to marry me" Lexa whispered. She couldn't believe she was telling a child about this, she just had to tell someone and he happened to be the person next to her at the moment.

"Ewwww, that's disgusting" Felix groaned.

"It is not, she's really mad at me though because I've been distant trying to get everything ready and perfect for when I ask her" Lexa said looking to the floor. Felix smirked.

"Why are you telling me this" Felix asked.

"Because your a kid and I can say anything to a kid so just let me ramble" Lexa said.

"I know she's trying to fix things and all I do is get more distant because I can't let her find out because it's just gunna be so perfect. I'm just waiting for the ring to be done and it's all gunna be great it is, I promise" Lexa rambled. Felix rolled his eyes.

"You should get that ring done fast, and fix things fast" Felix suggested.

"Your right, I'm gunna go see if it's done yet, you should go home" Lexa said as she stood up.

"Ugh fine" Felix groaned before he walked off. Lexa smiled at the kid before she to made her way to Lora's room.

"How's it coming along?" Lexa asked as she entered the room.

"Good, It's almost done" Lora smiled.

"Great, Clarke's really mad at me and I just want this all to be over" Lexa groaned.

"Go to Clarke, you've helped with the ring enough and I can do the rest on my own" Lora said. Lexa smiled before she nodded and went to find Clarke, what she didn't expect was for Clarke to be standing right outside of the door of Lora's room.

"Clarke? Clarke what are..what are you doing here?" Lexa panicked, scared that Clarke had heard what they said inside.

"What am I doing here? What the hell are you doing here!" Clarke shouted.

"Clarke it's not what it looks like" Lexa said, relieved that Clarke doesn't know what they we're doing but also hurt that she even would think Lexa would do something like that.

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