Chapter 33

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Clarke looked around at her surroundings and it looked familiar, felt familiar too. This wasn't the planet Octavia was trapped in this was Nakara, freezing cold Nakara. Already Clarke was shivering, she was wearing a shirt with black jeans and she had no idea how to get out of here. Last time she was stuck here she was with Raven and they had a helmet. Now Clarke doesn't have either one of those things and she already feels like she's going to die from hyperthermia.

"Mom? How the hell did you get out?" Ruby asked in disbelief as she stared at her mother.

"Ways" she said. She still held a gun in her hand and Ruby didn't know how angry she is so she didn't say anything else.

"Your friend Clarke, she's gone, she's probably years older too by now or dead." She said with a smirk.

"What did you do?" Ruby asked threatening as she walked closer to her mother.

"I read a book I found, about the anomaly stone, turns out there's a planet where time is faster, really faster. Anyways I forced Clarke into it, she's probably dead right now, it's what she deserved."

"You don't get to do that!" Ruby yelled. "What's going on?" Raven asked worried as she walked into the room, glaring at the woman with the gun then back at Ruby. Ruby gave her a glare and Raven punched the woman in the face, hard enough that she passed out.

"Thank you" Ruby said glaring at Raven.

"What's going on?" Raven asked.

"Clarke mom said she forced her into a planet, um one where the time moves faster." Ruby said confused.

"No, no, no, when did she do this?" Raven panicked.

"I don't know, can we get her back?" Ruby asked softly, not wanting to worry Raven anymore.

"We can try" Raven said. Ruby went to get some guards that she trusted to keep her mom away and Raven was trying to figure out if she should tell Lexa or not.

"Raven why would we tell her she's just gunna blame it on us and not make anything easier" Ruby said.

"I feel like she deserves to know though, haven't we lied to her enough?"

"What possibly could she even do in this situation?"

"I don't know, she could be use though!" Raven argued.

"Fine, your right she is smart, just get her and we'll figure this all out." Raven nodded as she made her way to Lexa's house and knocked on the door. As soon as Lexa opened it she started to shut it again when Raven put her hand on the door to stop it.

"Clarke's in trouble" Raven said. That immediately got Lexa's attention.

"What'd you do this time?" Lexa asked with anger in her tone as she opened the door wider.

"We didn't do anything Lexa, Ruby's mother sent her to another planet." Raven explained. Lexa shook her head as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Well let's get her back then" Lexa said taking a deep breath as she stepped out of her house.

"Wait, um..your gunna need warmer clothes, last time I tried to go to Skyring it sent me to Nakara."

"What are you talking about?"

"Nakara is a planet with ice everywhere, if Clarke's there we need to be fast." Raven said and with that Lexa ran back into her house and pulled on a warm shirt as well as a jacket.

"Explain to me what's gunna happen" Lexa asked as they walked towards the anomaly stone.

"If Clarke's smart she's probably in a cave right now with a fire started waiting for us to rescue her."

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