Chapter 36

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Lexa smiled as she looked over at Clarke who was still fast asleep. She missed waking up to her by her side every morning. Lexa smiled even wider as she climbed on top of Clarke and kissed her lips making Clarke stir awake.

"Mmm" she groaned. Lexa laughed as she planted soft kisses all over Clarke's face.

"So beautiful" Lexa mumbled in between kisses, straddling the blonde as she took in the view under her. Clarke smiled, she felt so loved waking up to this.

"Clarke I really um..everyone" Lexa blurted out of nowhere.

"You sure your ready, it's been so long since you've talked to them" Clarke asked, during the past month Clarke had talked to them and they all seem to feel bad about what they did. She knew apologizing is the right thing to do she just wanted to make sure Lexa was actually ready just in case she lost control.

"I'm ready Clarke, I shouldn't of hid for this long anyway" Lexa said. Clarke nodded. The two both got up and dressed and had some berries then walked into Sanctum, hand in hand.

"Do you maybe wanna start with Raven?" Clarke asked. She knew those two have been through more and they haven't spoken since the incident so it would probably be best if they talked alone.

"Yeah" Lexa nodded. Clarke walked through the castle searching for Raven and finally found her wandering through the halls.

"Hi" Lexa said. Raven gave a confused glare at the two, she knew what was going on between them because Clarke had been telling her everything.

"Lexa wants to talk" Clarke explained. Raven looked over at the brunette and nodded slowly then led them both to her room that was close by.

"Raven, I'm sorry for cutting you out of my life then almost getting you killed" Lexa said guilty as she looked down at the floor.

"You we're angry, and you had really good reasoning. I almost got Clarke killed, which I regret and it wasn't right at all, you have every right to hate me Lexa" Raven said.

"Your right, but I'm not gunna spend everyday hating you for something that you regret doing" Lexa said softly, nodding her head at Raven.

"I never thanked you for saving my life" Raven said with a smirk. Lexa raised her eyebrows as she let out a laugh then pulled Raven in for a hug.

"Thank you" Raven whispered to Lexa as they hugged. "For forgiving me" Raven smiled as they pulled away. Lexa nodded as she looked over at Clarke.

"She had a big help in that" Lexa said, blushing.

"I did not" Clarke said rolling her eyes. Raven laughed as she shook her head at them.

"Well thank you, and I'm sorry, again" Raven said glaring at Lexa and Clarke. They both nodded their head with a smile, the past was the past and Clarke's still here, maybe that should be all that matters now. They said their goodbyes then went looking for the others.

"You sure babe?" Clarke asked once they found the room they we're all in.

"Yeah" Lexa said. Clarke nodded and opened the door. They all stared in confusion at Lexa because they all assumed she hated them. Clarke on the other hand had forgiven them a while ago and had paid normal visits almost all the time but never talked about Lexa.

"Babe" Clarke said softly, looking at Lexa who looked lost.

"Sorry..I" Lexa said shaking her head.

"Babe your okay" Clarke said, squeezing her hand trying to reassure her. Lexa nodded as she looked at all of them.

"I'm so sorry" she said, her voice breaking. They all we're shaking their heads, this wasn't her fault.

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