Chapter 30

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"Everything okay?" Lexa asked as soon as Clarke walked into the house.

"Um..yeah" Clarke said before walking upstairs leaving Lexa confused. Lexa gave Clarke a minute before going upstairs to check on her.

"Gunna tell me what happened?" Lexa asked as she found Clarke laying on the bed. Clarke signed as she sat up and nodded.

"Um..just so you know I'm not gunna hold a grudge and hate them for the rest of my life but I'm just so confused and I need some time from them." Clarke said softly, looking down. Lexa nodded as she went to sit by Clarke, wrapping her arm around the blonde, bringing her closer when she saw tears falling down her cheeks.

"It's okay, I think we both need time" Lexa said softly, rocking them back and fourth.

"I get why they did it, I just need to process it all" Clarke said, leaning more into Lexa. Lexa didn't reply, she couldn't. She wasn't the one in a good place with this situation and she still would never get why they did what they did. But Clarke somehow gets it, and she is taking it all in now and Lexa didn't want to make the blonde any more upset with her words.

Without saying anything else, Lexa laid down on the bed, with Clarke still in her arms and they both fell asleep.

"Hi" Lexa said softly as Clarke fluttered her eyes opened and yawned.

"Hey" Clarke said back with a raspy voice as she pulled a piece of Lexa's hair behind her ear.

"How are you feeling?" Lexa asked softly.

"I'm feeling like you and I should start taking this living in peace thing seriously" Clarke said with a smirk.

"What do you mean by that?" Lexa asked confused.

"Lexa we never get to live like this, and now there's so many things being built in Sanctum. There's new foods we've never tried, there's kids at schools, there's parties some nights, there's people that are so kind, like Willow, I bet they have a place filled with clothing, they have a library! They might even have a place with art supplies! What I'm saying is we've been living under a rock Lexa. We finally have peace and we're not even doing anything about it." Clarke said, she was tired of worrying about her problems when their main focus right now should be that they finally have peace and Ruby and her people are making it into forever peace.

"Your right, let's go to Sanctum today and see everything we've been missing out on" Lexa said with a wide smile on her face. She assumed Clarke didn't want to talk about her friends so she just kept that as a subject for later. They both got out of bed and it wasn't long before they arrived in Sanctum.

"We're gunna get breakfast" Clarke said as they walked into a place, connected to the castle that served food for everyone. Clarke sat Lexa down at a table before kissing her lips and walking up to the person who she assumes runs this place.

"Hi" Clarke said softly.

"Hello welcome!" The man said happily.

"Thank you, um..I was just wondering how is all of this working, like how are you making all these foods?" Clarke asked confused.

"Well the people who lived here before already had the basic necessities and we had the technology to fix everything up. Then there's me and I was a cook up in space, it's really different down here but I've figured it out." The guy said, smiling at Clarke.

"You guys must've also had many foods to choose from" Clarke said, eyeing all the foods the guy had sitting on a table.

"We do, there delicious actually, how about a pancake?" The guy suggested. Clarke nodded then the man stacked four pancakes on top of each other, rubbed butter on them, then got a weird container thing and put white stuff on it and topped it off with some what looked like to be red sauce and strawberries.

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