Chapter 37

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It's been a week since the emotional night Clarke and Lexa shared and things have never been better. Everything's repaired between Lexa and her friends, and her and Clarke have been better than amazing. Their life was finally starting to settle down, which did scare them a bit because whenever it felt like that something always had to happen.

"Lexa, Clarke" Ruby greeted as she sat down next to them as they ate their breakfast. Lexa looked at Clarke confused as to why Ruby had just sat down next to them.

"Ruby?" Clarke greeted, confused.

"As you know we're trying to make Sanctum peaceful, we're trying to settle down and just be normal instead of fighting every day." Ruby explained. Both Lexa and Clarke nodded, they knew that and they agreed with it.

"Um..would one of you like to be a teacher? Something happened to the previous one, she's to sick to teach." Ruby asked.

"I would love to" Lexa said softly. She's always loved children and she has experience with teaching because of the night bloods.

"Also if you need any help with healers I have experience, I could try and help with the teachers sickness?" Clarke asked.

"That'd be great, thank you" Ruby nodded. "You'll also earn money, you know since we're trying to make this as real as possible" Ruby explained. Clarke and Lexa both nodded, they we're happy to finally have real peace and now even happier that they'd be able to help with making it.

"Thank you" Clarke smiled before Ruby stood up and motioned them to follow her.

"Looks like my promise to buying you those art things will finally happen" Lexa smirked as she stood up.

"Finally" Clarke smiled as she leaned into Lexa. They followed Ruby all the way to the school so she could show them around and explain to Lexa things she needed to know.

"So there's about fifty kids, maybe a little more, they love coming to school and they haven't been able to the past couple of days so I'm sure they'll be exited to hear they can come back." Ruby explained.

"This is the classroom, there's a field outside and swing sets for them to play on." Ruby said as she showed them around.

"How old are the children?" Lexa asked.

"All different ages from six to fourteen."

"Oh so I'm gunna be teaching them all at once?"

"There's two classes, each two hours long. First you'll have the six to nine year olds then the ten to fourteen year olds."

"Okay perfect, I come tomorrow?" Ruby nodded. "And one more thing, what do I exactly teach about?"

"Teach them to read, maybe tell them stories about your history, self defense, cooking, just things like that and you can always add fun to it too." Ruby explained.

"Ooo, self defense, Lexa's definitely got that one down" Clarke said considering Lexa used to teach the night bloods self defense.

"I'm exited" Lexa smiled.

"Thank you, and Clarke we could maybe use you now" Ruby said, looking to the blonde. Clarke nodded before kissing Lexa on the lips.

"Get settled here I'll be back" Clarke said as she pulled away. Lexa nodded with a smile before turning around and taking a look at the room.

"Hi this is Clarke, she's also a healer" Ruby introduced.

"Hi" Clarke smiled. She had medium length brown hair and looked to be in her mid ages.

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