Chapter 31

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Lexa and Clarke spent the rest of the day in Sanctum. They went to a little shop that had been built, but they didn't get anything because apparently you have to pay for things now?Lexa promised Clarke she'd somehow get money and buy her the paintings they saw in the shop if Clarke would take her to the library. So they ended up in the library for the longest time and Clarke was bored to death because Willow wasn't there today. Then they went swimming in the lake that was near Sanctum and lasted until the sunset.

"Today was really fun" Lexa said as she pulled her shirt over her head.

"Oh it's not over" Clarke said with a smirk as she dressed herself and pulled her wet hair over her shoulders.

"What do you mean by that" Lexa said seductively, wrapping her arms around the blondes waist.

"Okay I meant there's a party tonight in Sanctum, but I think whatever your thinking is better" Clarke said as she wrapped her arms around Lexa's neck.

"I've never been to a party" Lexa said, pulling them closer together.

"I've been to one here, actually."

"Was it fun?"

"So much fun." Lexa smiled before connecting their lips.

"We're dripping wet though and I don't have any party clothes." Lexa said.

"I have some at the house" Clarke said.

"Your meaning to tell me I could've seen you in a dress a long time ago?!"

"Shut up, let's go get ready" Clarke said laughing as she grabbed Lexa's hand and walked back home.

The two dried off together and got dressed. Clarke wore the same blue dress she wore last time she went to a party and she gave Lexa a dress that looked exactly like hers but in emerald green. Then they let their hair dry and wore their natural curls.

"Clarke, I don't think I've ever told you how much I love your new hair" Lexa said, running her fingers through the blonde locks. Clarke smiled as she kissed Lexa on the lips.

"Let's go" Clarke whispered planting one last soft kiss onto her lips before making their way towards the castle.

As soon as they walked into the party there we're colorful lights everywhere, people dancing on the dance floor, and loud music blasting their ears, just as Clarke remembered.

"Woah, this is amazing" Lexa said as she took a look around. Clarke smiled at her before taking her hand and pulling her to the dance floor.

"I don't know how to do this" Lexa said as Clarke pulled their bodies against each other, moving them in a small motion together.

Clarke laughed, twirling Lexa around who immediately fell backwards into Clarke's arms, laughing as Clarke's front was pressed against Lexa's back. Clarke smiled widely at Lexa who wouldn't stop laughing then began placing soft kisses all over her neck as she moved their bodies in sync with the music. Lexa turned her head so she was face to face with Clarke and connected their lips. As they we're kissing Clarke turned Lexa around and pressed their fronts against each other, wrapping her arms around her waist as Lexa wrapped her arms around her neck. They began slow dancing, staring deeply into each other's eyes, admiring the beauty of one another and how lucky they are to be together.

"Wanna get drunk for the first time?" Clarke asked the brunette.

"I've been drunk before, Clarke."

"Really?" Clarke asked surprised.

"Of course, we had celebrations in Polis a lot."

"Well of course, I just can't imagine the commander getting drunk" Clarke said with a chuckle earning an eye roll from Lexa. 

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