Chapter 19

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Lexa's POV

"Clarke please wake up" I said, tears falling down my cheeks as I stroked her hair. I was trying to think of all the possibilities of what could be wrong with her but I wasn't a doctor, I had no idea.

I was being stupid, did I really think this was because of hyperthermia? The water wasn't that cold and she was only in it for a couple of minutes, but that's the only explanation I could think of.

I took the furs off that was wrapped around us and dressed Clarke. If coldness was the problem, she needed clothes. When I was done I put my shirt and pants on too. I was trying not to panic but it was really really hard.

I was confused? Maybe she's sick? Maybe there's something inside of her that's effecting her? Maybe she ate something that was poison? I don't know but if it was any of those things I still had no idea what I could do to help.

Tears began to fall down my cheeks and I've been checking Clarke's pulse every ten seconds to make sure she was still alive. She had to wake up that's the only way I could help her.

I held her the whole time, it was much similar to when I saved her in the city of light but this seemed much worse. But finally after hours her eyes finally fluttered opened.

"Clarke!" I yelled relieved.

"Clarke, please tell me what's wrong with you, I'm so sorry I didn't know what to do, I'm sorry" I rambled as I tried to hold back tears.

"Lexa, I" Clarke said with a raspy voice as she looked up at me then sat up herself.

"I don't know, I mean I don't remember but there was something, I just can't remember why I felt sick" she said. I was confused, how could she just forget.

"Clarke remember, I need you to remember!" I yelled out of panic.

"I don't know, we were in the water then I don't know, something happened"

"What happened all we were doing was kissing!" I yelled confused.

"Lexa stop it, yelling wont do anything" She said a bit frustrated. She was right I needed to chill out and help her remember.

"What could've happened" I said lowering my tone.

Before Clarke said anything I saw her scratching her leg in a spot that was bright red.

"Clarke, what's that?" I asked. Could she of possibly been bitten by something?

"I don't know, it..wait I remember feeling pain in this spot while we were kissing then I just felt sick and passed out, right?" She said. Something must've bitten her in the water.

"Somethings in that water then, right it has to be something?" I panicked as I stood up and began walking towards the water. I didn't know what I was doing and even if I found what had bitten her what would that do.

"Lexa come back, even if you find what bit me you have no medicine to fix it so just stop" Clarke yelled. I turned around and looked at her before walking back. She was right, hopefully whatever bitten her didn't poison her or anything.

"I'm sorry, I'm just worried and I don't know what to do" I said as I sat back down next to her.

"It's okay, I'll be okay" She comforted. She was still scratching the bite, which was just making it worse.

"Clarke enough of that." I said as I took her hand in mine.

"It itches, and I feel sick." She groaned.

"Like a fever, a cold?" I asked. I was no doctor at all I had no idea.

"A fever, I feel really hot but my stomach is also hurting and I might throw up I don't know, I just feel horrible." She explained. I was not the person for this.

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