Chapter 28

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"Oh my god! No way this book is here!" Lexa yelled excitedly as she shoved the book in Clarke's face.

"What is-" before Clarke could finish Lexa was already talking.

"I had this exact book in Polis! It was my favorite, it still is my favorite, I don't get how it's here though!" Lexa rambled as she started flipping through pages, making Clarke laugh.

"Lex what's the book abo-"

"It was made before the world ended Clarke, it's like so amazing, when you read it, it's like your in it, like when I use to read it in Polis I would pretend that I was just a normal girl like the girl in this book." Lexa rambled, this made Clarke smile. She loved seeing Lexa so happy.

"And whenever I had the chance to read I would just read because it was my escape. I didn't have to worry about my duties as commander when I read, because when I'm reading it's like I'm in the book and nothing else matters." Lexa rambled getting more and more exited.

"And if this library has this book I can't imagine how many other stories it has!" Lexa yelled maybe a bit to loud as she made her way to the other side of the library. Clarke smiled watching Lexa from afar as a smile grew on the brunettes face every time she picked up a new book.

"First time at a library?" Clarke looked to the side and saw a woman who looked to be about mid-aged, with long wavy blonde hair.

"Sorry, she's in love with books" Clarke chuckled, looking back at her girlfriend who was flipping through pages of books.

"I can see that" the woman laughed. "When I was up in space we only had a few books, it's crazy how much things can change. I mean now there's hundreds of books to choose from." The woman said.

"Yeah, it really is amazing how fast your world can completely change, it feels like yesterday I was just standing on Earth, a helpless girl who had no idea what life was gunna throw towards her." Clarke said softly.

"I love stories, you should tell me some" the woman said enthusiastically. Clarke smiled and was about to speak before Lexa shouted her name.

"Sorry" Clarke laughed. "We will probably be back here a lot, maybe I can tell you some stories then?" Clarke asked, receiving a nod from the woman when Lexa yelled her name again.

"Clarke, as if you don't already know from her loud mouth." Clarke said holding out her hand as she chuckled.

"Willow" the woman replied, shaking Clarke's hand. Clarke gave her a small smile before returning to Lexa. Turns out the girl just found another book that she also had in Polis and wanted to tell the blonde all about it.

"Wow that's amazing, but have you actually picked out any books Lexa?" Clarke asked, seeing as the girl had nothing in her hand.

"Well I was looking-" Lexa started but Clarke cut her off.

"Never mind, your fine, just keep your voice down and I'll be over there with the librarian" Clarke said as she watched Lexa nod excitedly before making her way back to the table the librarian had sat at.

"So turns out I have time, she hasn't even picked a book yet." Clarke laughed, sitting down across from Willow.

"So earth.." Clarke started, thinking about everything that she had went through. Clarke told Willow almost every detail, starting from when the drop ship landed, to when she saved her people, burning 300 people alive who happened to be that girls, who's obsessed with books, people. It was really a dark story for Willow, considering she's been in space her whole life and hasn't actually seen the real world, but for Clarke it was normal.

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