Chapter 8

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She only slept for about twenty minutes, it was probably because of all the cuts were irritating her body so it was hard for her to sleep.

I still didn't have a shirt on and my bra was the only thing covering me up.

"Hey" I whispered as I saw her eyes flutter open.

"Hi" she whispered back, her voice was raspy and her eyes had small tears in them.

"How are you feeling" I asked as she sat up slowly and groaned.

"They hurt" she said with no emotion as she stared into an empty space.

"I'm sorry" I said guilty. This was my fault, I should've told Tori everything from the start, and now Lexa was paying for my actions.

"Clarke" she said shaking her head as she turned to look at me.

"This wasn't your fault, you were just trying to protect everyone" she said softly.

I nodded even though I still blamed myself this topic wasn't necessary at the moment.

I stood up then carefully helped Lexa up as I wrapped my arm around her for support. She had fabric tightly wrapped up her arm and I knew it wasn't comfortable. I helped her walk all the way to our room Tori had given us the other day, I didn't have a shirt on and I got a lot of stares along the way but we finally made it to the room and I helped her onto the bed.

"Rest, I'll change your bandages when I get back" I said softly before I put a shirt on. She nodded and then I left the room.

I needed to go make sure Emori and Murphy were okay. I walked to the room where I had saw them before and they weren't in there.

I searched the whole space ship and finally saw Tori walking down a hallway.

"Tori" I yelled getting her attention.

"Clarke" she said emotionless.

I knew she was angry at me, she probably didn't trust me anymore but I needed to know what she did to my friends.

"My friends?" I asked.

"Your friend's are fine Clarke"

I nodded my head.

"Where are they" I said in a relaxed tone. I didn't want to make her madder than she already was.

"Clarke, your friends told me the exact same thing you told me, meaning that you weren't lying about what you had told me" she said.

I nodded, she still didn't answer my question. After a couple seconds of awkward silence she nodded to me and turned around to leave.

"Hey! Where are they" I yelled as I grabbed her arm to stop her.

"There fine, I told them to leave, to go back to what you call Earth, I don't want them here" she said.

"What about us" I said confused.

"You and Lexa are staying here, I don't want to have to have the stress of how many other people are on Earth" she said.

"But you can't just not let them come here, the human race is dead without you, we need you to continue it" I yelled.

"Well then consider yourself lucky" she said as she turned around and left leaving me standing in the hallway alone, with the realization that I might never see my friends again.

I didn't really know what to do. She wasn't going to let us leave and we couldn't leave. I wasn't going to give up on the human race and I knew Lexa wasn't going to either. But I didn't want to just abandon my friends.

We meet again Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz