Chapter 15

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Clarke's POV

It has been almost three hours since Lexa left, I didn't want to leave the house because I promised her I wouldn't, but what if she was in danger.

I had to leave, something was wrong, it wouldn't take her this long. My thoughts began to pile up, and the worst one was what if Lexa got killed after she killed Tori. That was the risk to this plan and I just hoped that she was still alive.

I ran out of the house towards Sanctum, I stayed a distance away as I got closer, eyeing everything that was going on. It looked normal, there were people outside talking, eating, and kids playing.

That made a relief of comfort fill my body, because if Tori was dead than I was sure all her people wouldn't just be living as if nothing happened.

I walked into the town with my head down, I had no idea where Lexa could be but I knew she had to be somewhere here, I just didn't know why she had been here for three hours.

I walked up the stairs and into the castle, I saw three guards walking, there backs were facing me and I hurried and hid in another hallway.

I waited tell they were out of sight to look for Lexa. Maybe they had caught her trying to kill Tori so they locked her up.

I walked down the halls quietly as I looked in each room to make sure Lexa wasn't in them. But then I heard a loud groan and it sounded an awful like Lexa.

I ran toward the direction that I heard it from and tried pulling the door open but it was locked.

"Shit" I mumbled to myself.

"Lexa, are you in there" I yelled as I banged on the door.

"Clarke" she yelled confused. I could hear her breathing and it didn't sound good.

"Clarke you can't be here, go back to the house now" she said. I could tell something was wrong because she barley got those words out right, something was wrong with her breathing.

"Lexa I'm not leaving you" I said as I tried pulling the door open. It needed a key and I didn't have one so I pulled out a hair clip hoping it would do the trick. I stuck it into the lock and messed with it until I heard a click.

I opened the door and saw Lexa sitting on the floor, she was breathing fast almost like she was having a panic attack, tears were falling down her cheeks, and there was a puddle of blood next to her. I quickly ran over to her and kneeled down next to her.

"Hey, listen to my voice, breathe Lexa" I said softly. Nothing changed she kept on breathing hard. I pulled her closer to me so the comfort of my body touching her might help.

"Listen to me, it's okay, shhh" I whispered into her ear as I rocked us back and fourth.

"Listen to my voice Lexa, breathe with me" I said as I began to take deep breaths so she could hear.

She continued to cry but after a couple times of me breathing in and out slowly, her breathing finally slowed down.

"Your okay" I said as I stroked my hand through her hair.

I pulled her out of my arms and looked at her face. There were still tears running down her cheeks and I hated seeing her like this.

I leaned her against the wall and looked down at her leg which had a piece of her shirt tied around it tightly with black blood all around it. I carefully untied the cloth and set it to the side.

"What did they do to you" I mumbled to myself as I saw the bullet in her leg. Luckily they only shot her in the leg and luckily she bandaged herself up or she would most likely be dead from blood loss.

We meet again Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora