Chapter 14

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Clarke's POV

I woke up from Lexa repositioning herself. My mind was filled with thoughts about Tori, there is no possible way her and I will ever get along, she hates me, she wants me dead. I had no idea how we were going to convince her to let our friends come to Sanctum and I had a bad feeling that things were going to get bad.

"Clarke" I heard Lexa's raspy voice say.

"Hey" I said as I turned to her and moved a piece of brown hair behind her ear.

"You think to loud Clarke" she said after she yawned.

"I know it's just I have no hope that Tori is going to let our friends come here" I said sadly.

"Then we'll kill her" Lexa said as she sat up.

"Lexa we can't just kill her" I said as Lexa started to put her clothes on.

"Your right Clarke, but what we do need is a plan, why do our friends even need to come here? I mean in the end didn't you say you wanted to live on Earth and only come to Sanctum to check on things" Lexa asked confused.

"Yes but I just thought that with their help it would be easier" I said.

"How about this Clarke, you tell me your plan and I'll tell you mine" Lexa said with a smirk.

"Okay" I said smiling back. I got out of bed and put on a tight shirt with some black jeans, similar to the clothes I wore in polis.

We walked outside on the porch of the house and sat in chairs.

"So Lexa, I didn't know you had a plan of your own" I said with a smirk on her face.

"Your not gunna like it" she said as she smirked back at me.

"Ok well go on" I said.

"Okay, so I feel like none of Tori's people really like her, she doesn't give them a say in the choices she makes and your suppose to always have your peoples opinion when you command but she never does. My plan is risky but Clarke if we kill Tori then offer her people something I think maybe that's how we get them to follow us" Lexa said.

"And what would we be offering her people" I asked confused.

"Clarke they've lived their whole lives in space, don't you think they would want to travel to different planets, Tori doesn't let them do that, so maybe if we kill her they will follow us, and Clarke we will let them live as if their not trying to survive, don't you want that for them" she explained. I stayed silent considering Lexa's words.

"Lexa that sounds amazing, leading more people and letting them live instead of always trying to survive, but Lexa we can't, it's to dangerous" I said looking to the floor. 

"Fine, but it could work Clarke, I know that when I left my people out of decisions they would get angry at me, so if we killed Tori her people would some what be relieved, and feel like they are free from following orders" Lexa said.

"Your right Lexa, but would you really wanna take that risk" I asked.

"Yes, Clarke I hate Tori, so much she hurt you she almost killed you, she deserves to die for that" Lexa yelled. So that's why she wanted Tori dead, she was just trying to protect me, I smiled at that thought.

"Why are you smiling" she asked confused.

"Because your cute" I said as my smile grew wider and Lexa blushed.

"Okay, okay, tell me what you have in mind" Lexa said.

"Okay well what I wanted to do was convince Tori to let our friends come here, then I guess I wanted to get Tori to trust us again and I was hoping she would let us live on Earth alone" I paused and signed. "You know now that you've said your plan mine sounds horrible" I said as I rubbed my temples.

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