Chapter 26

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"Lexa!" Murphy yelled from downstairs. He has been the only one to check up on Lexa about once a week and it always ended badly.

"Clarke!" Lexa whispered yelled as she motioned to the clothes laying on the floor. Clarke immediately got the hint and started dressing herself.

"One second Murphy!" Lexa yelled back as she held the door handle, waiting for Clarke to finish getting dressed. Once she was covered Lexa opened the door and squeezed herself out before shutting it again, leaving Clarke in there hoping the blonde would get the hint not to talk.

"What are you doing?" Murphy asked confused. Not only was Lexa acting weird but she never actually wants to talk to him, she always ignores him and Murphy has to barge into her room without asking. Now Lexa was the one to leave the room to talk to him.

" are you doing here?" Lexa asked. She didn't know what to say and that's the best she could get out.

"I was coming to check on you, and there is obviously something wrong." Murphy said motioning to the room Lexa was guarding like a hawk.

"Everything's fine, leave" Lexa said coldly.

"Really? I mean you do look better then ever but I just don't see how you can go from crying your eyes out to this, in a week." Murphy said confused.

"Murphy why do you even care?" Lexa asked annoyed.

"I'm your friend, Lexa" Murphy said.

"No your not! None of you are! I still blame you guys for what happened, for trusting Ruby, and for gods sake nobody has even tried to speak to me besides you! Don't I deserve something from Octavia? From Raven? There all happy living in Sanctum without a thought about Clarke!" Lexa yelled, holding back tears.

"That's not true Lexa, if you weren't hiding away in this house all the time you would see that. They care, we all care, and we're all dealing with the pain of loosing Clarke in our own way." Murphy said with anger in his tone as he turned around to leave, but when he reached the front door he stopped.

"Also Lexa, I thought you we're better than this. You lost Clarke a month ago and your already sleeping around with people." Murphy said eyeing the bedroom that Lexa was still guarding. He knew that someone was in there, he didn't think, he knew.

Taking a deep breath after Murphy left, Lexa walked back into the room getting ready to face an angry Clarke.

"Lexa you can't blame them for this" Clarke said as calmly as she could.

"Don't, I thought you we're dead and it was because of them." Lexa said.

"No Lexa, they didn't know, you didn't know, you can't hate them for this." Clarke said.

"But they don't even care" Lexa said, looking to the ground.

"Murphy just said they did, and I'm pretty sure that he was right about you not leaving this house, hmm?" Clarke asked, she was trying to talk calmly, she didn't want to anger Lexa any more than she already was.

"I guess, but I still-" Lexa started but was cut off by Clarke.

"I think the problem is that you can't accept the fact that they accept Ruby?" Clarke asked.

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