Filler chapter 2: Just live life as it is, even if you're now a POW

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3rd POV

Hornet: Thanks sis..

Month 1, Week 1, Day 1.

Location: Interrogation room

Hornet: .......

Yap: .........

Hornet: ..................

Yap: So..we doing? The interrogation I mean. (Fake cough)

Hornet: Huh? Oh yeah. About that. Not gonna sugarcoat. So. Your weakness. (Being serious on outside) [Save me. I don't think I can get any info outta this weirdo. Send help please. Anyone. Seriously.]

Yap: Hmm...Direct as ever, Ms.Hornet. 1 point for you. Guess the most I can tell you for the day is should you manage to disable my energy shield or force me to use it on my allies, then I'm more vulnerable.

Hornet: (Jotting it down) Alright..... [Wait. Hol' up. Hol-fucking-up. Who the hell reveals their weakness just like that?!?! What is this?! Some main character interrogation process?! Send help. I'm starting to be afraid of this guy now.]

Yap: Now that we've got that done...which you should probably report to your commander. But before you go, may I ask you a question?

Hornet: You just did but sure.

Yap: [Ah. The classic blunder I fell for. Oop.] How does it feel to be the interrogator? Also.... About the interrogation yesterday, I've noted you Eagle Union shipgirls were awfully quiet. Is something the matter? I may not look like it, but I can be a great listener.

Hornet: (looks at Yap for a short while)..... Being the interrogator isn't that bad.. Though if I've to be honest, you kinda scared me for a while. For your 2nd question, I'm afraid I can't answer that... Though why are you so willing to give your weakness away just like that?

Yap: .....Who knows. Besides. If you didn't get any out of me, I'm quite sure your commander would.....ridicule you 1 way or another, yes?

Hornet: ...... That's true.

Yap: [As I thought....] Alright. So I guess I'm free to do whatever I feel like now, yes?

Hornet: I guess.... I'll head to my commander.

Yap watched as Hornet left.

Yap: ..........

Then he walked out. Wandering around the base, he took in the surroundings. Walking over to the garden, he admired the flowers.

Yap: [Pretty....] (Notices a flower) Hmm? What's that doing here?

???: Never thought you'd be the kind to admire flowers, Ironblood.

???: Never thought you'd be the kind to admire flowers, Ironblood

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Yap: (Turns around) Ah. Miss Hood. Anything I may help you with?

Hood: Not any I can think of for now. That flower you seem to be interested in is white windflower.

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