Chapter 19: Not everything you planned will always turn out perfectly

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3rd POV

Yap: Noted.

And so he went. To the meeting room. Although a small part of him did want to continue staying with Amagi, he knew it had to end anyway.

At the meeting room..

Yap: (makes himself proper by doing last minute adjustments to coat etc etc) (enters) Well hello there.

Lev: Finally back, huh? Anyways, we've this thing to show to you. It's not too bad of a place, but the commanders would like to hear your opinion. (Gestures towards Bennet, James and Engu)

Yap: (looks at the map) [Hmm...From coordinates 0, 210 to 69,420... Sure looks good enough. Also, N I C E. It's also wide enough to fit all 4 factions too. Aight. So this will be the position then.] (Nods slowly) It's great. We can start anytime you'd like, gentlemen.

James: That's great news. But since Amagi just returned, we should give the Manjuus you took with you some rest.

Yap: Agreed. We'll start preparing say in about 3 days or so. What say you all?

James: Sounds good to me.

Bennet: No problems

Engu: I don't see any problems there.

Yap: Alright. 3 days from now it is then.We


With the meeting ended, Lev and Yap stayed back to talk to each other.

Yap: So... You aren't mad for me leaving again?

Lev: Well, judging from what this fanfic's been going so far, I shouldn't really surprised now, should I? Either you take off on your own without telling me or you're involved in something. (Plops on a chair) So? What's it about this time?

Yap: [Huh. A change of heart. I'm not against it but ok.] Amagi. Just revived her not too long ago. Though she still needs rest. (leans against a wall) But I can assure you she'll be fine.

Lev: (gets up) Welp. If that's what you say than. (Waves hand) Imma check up on Storm and Y/N. Since they probably won't have or get much screen time left in this fanfic anyway so might as well.

Yap: (looks at Lev as she begins to walk away) ...Alright then. See ya later.

Smol timeskip

With Lev

Lev finally found Storm and Y/N. Of course, they do what they do best on land; Caretaking. So it's not a surprise that all 4 factions would ask them to help look after the destroyers. And it's a win-win situation too by the way. They get to have fun with minimal restrictions (as in don't beat up each other unless necessary) while they protect them from Ark Royalolicon.

Lev: Yo.

Storm: (Turns to meet Lev) Ah, sister. What are you doing here? 

Lev: Nothing much. Just checking up on you 2. Caretaking's going great as always, huh?

Storm: Ehehe... You could say so.

Lev: Oh, where's Y/N?

Storm: Y/N? Oh, he's over there. (Points)

There, Y/N was playing with most of the newly recombined Azur Lane-Crimson Axis destroyers.

IBDD: Come on, big brother Y/N! Be the referee please?

Y/N: A-alright then. What are you all going to play?

IBDD: Badminton! The first to get a score of 10 wins the match!

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