First 2 followers special (This new account)

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First of all, a REALLY big shout out to  @Shinju_Uchhia and  @Emperor-NJI-Fumetsu for being my 1st 2 followers here. I know to most people/readers they won't care much,BUT. It really means alot to me. Not only it'll encourage me to update often,but it also serves as a purpose of why I'm ACTUALLY writing a story for it. SO. To compensate (I believe that's the word?) for it, I'll put some spoilers for some future chapters. (I've a discord account too btw. Try clicking the invite link. If it doesn't work,please leave a comment here.)

Chapter 5: Meeting the True Sakura Empire's forces

Yap: Huh. They sure have an amount of shipgirls. But nothing stands out alot....... (calls the Ironblood members) Ironblood engineering is still and always will be. Superior! (Clears throat and gets back to the whole force) Sakura truly are something else....but I would like you to earn MY respect.

Mikasa: Oh~? Then how should it be done?

Yap: How many swords-women are there here?

Mikasa: Well let's see......There's me,Zuikaku, Shoukaku,Atago,Takao,(Proceeds to list all the Sakura Empire shipgirls who are good/can use a sword expertly)

Yap: Hmm......I suppose you're their master/mentor, no?

Mikasa: Yes.

Yap: Well than. It is decided. I'll face your top students AND you,Mikasa-nee. If I can disarm all of you within 10 minutes, it'll be my victory. If you all can hold out for 10 whole minutes or successfully disarm me, I'll be sure to give you respects.

Mikasa: A duel it is then.

Chapter 6: Unexpected visitors

Yap: (Casually taking a walk while whistling) [Nice weather~~]

Lev: So you're not salty?? After getting defeated? By ladies?

Yap: [Why would I? They didn't held back. So I should do the same. But who knew....they were quite experienced too.....Might consider training under Mikasa soon..]

Lev: (sighs) She's a good mentor. And yes. I would recommend you learn under her too. Remember George?

Yap: [George as in KGV?]

Lev: Yes. Ever since she's been defeated and spared by you, obviously she'd train herself way harder. Plus,you and her would make good rival a good way..Though 1 day you'll have to go up against all the warriors here. Losing already to a faction would definitely mean you can be taken advantage of should they suddenly change side.

Yap: [True........I'm not going to argue with that] (bumps into someone)

???: (trips because bumped by Yap) Ack-!

???2: You okay, [REDACTED]?

???: I'm okay....(still on ground)

Yap: (Turns around) Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't look where I was going, here. (Extends an arm) Lemme help you up.

??? & ???2: (Internal panicking intensifies) [WHY IS HE HERE?!?!? When did it happen?! Why didn't intel told us anything?!?!? WE'RE SCREWED!!!!!]

???: (Hesitates to grab the hand but grabs it eventually) T-thank you....[We should run. Like right now.....]

Yap: (pulls ??? closer and whispers) I know who you are and why you're here..Sheffield,was it? I don't know why you're both here, but follow me. I've something to tell you both.

???2: (still panicking)

Sheffield: (whispering back) How did you know? More importantly,what are YOU doing here.

Yap: (whispers) I'll explain later.


Yap: We 3 don't have time or opportunity to possibly encounter each other again. So you 2 listen closely.

S&???2: (nods)

Yap: (Takes out a Black Mental cube) This thing right here. It's deadly. Normal shipgirls won't be able to handle it. Not even Bismarck. I want you 2 to keep it safe. Make sure it's delivered to your commander. And the other thing I'll add to you 2; there's something huge here. Nicknamed "Orochi". Said to be a battlecarrier. In exchange for these information however, I would like to ask what are you 2 doing here .

S&??2: [We can't escape right now...if we did, we'll be shot down immediately. But why is he telling all of this to us even though he knows what's going on...?] We' for intel collection. Nothing more.

Yap: (slowly nodding head) I see......(looks behind and then back at them) (hands said black mental cube) Remember. Keep it safe.

S&???2: [Nods] Why are you telling all of this to us? Aren't you an enemy??

Yap:........I'm not from this world....very few people have known so far. And those who known will not reveal it to anyone so easily. So,may I trust you 2 Royal Maids to not reveal this information to your superiors or your friends?

Sheffield:(closes eyes and sigh) Since you've told us that much of useful information,I'll try to keep the promise of your last request. How about you, Edinburgh?

E: I'll try too to. But just like Sheffield said, there's no promises but we'll try our best.

Yap: (relieved sigh) Good......I'll let you 2 have the slip this time. Should we meet next time,hopefully it'll be on the battlefield. Goodbye (Leaves)

Chapter 7:Surprise attack

Broadcast: Warning! Warning! Spies have been detected inside of Sakura Empire! All shipgirls,please be wary of anyone who isn't familiar-looking.

Yap: [Getting found out so fast...??] (sips tea) Might as well help out....

However, Yap was the ONE the spies ran into


Yap:................[Well well.........] (Points to a dark area) There. Now.

Hurrying quickly,Sheffield and Edinburgh went there,followed by Yap. There,they discussed about what will happen next and plan out their battle plan.

Chapter 8: The first battle

3rd POV

Some Ironblood shipgirls along with Sakura Empire's has gathered to face off the Azur Lane fleet.

Yap: Ho.......So that's just it? Well well well.........Looks like I've to assist these......weaklings....(gets up from sit) Y/N.  You following?

Y/N: Sure. Been some time since our last actual battle. Been looking forward to a fight too.

Yap: Then let's go already.

Y/N: Sure!

Word count: 892

Date finished and started: 4/1/2021

2100 hours

The Lone Leviathan Battleship In Another World (Azur Lane story ft male reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora