Chapter 14: And so the espionage begins....

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3rd POV

James: [I don't like where this is going.....]

Indeed he didn't. He felt that Azur Lane may've outsmarted him, but Yap outsmarted their outsmarting (A/N: HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE).

Now in the interrogation room, Gorden, along with a few shipgirls were interrogating him.

Gorden: Who are you actually, and what are your plans here?

Yap: (looking at Gorden with an unamused face) Meh. I'm me. And my plans here huh.....I dunno. Keep destroying and killing Sirens until I find my way back to my original world or whatever. I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [LOL. You think I'd tell you so very easily? Meh. Think again.]

Q.E : Well then, servant. Perhaps we should pull out his case file. Warspite, could you go get it?

Warspite: Of course, your Majesty.

She left.

Yap: Well... There's actually not much for me to tell you really. Though....(focuses on James who's behind the window) I might reveal a tad bit more of juicy info if he's the one interrogating me (winks). Not that I've preferences or anything but you can't expect a captured enemy to leak info to a bitch face like you, eh?

Gorden: That's about enough coming from you! (Smacks Yap across the face)

Yap:...... (Mumbles to himself) Weak.... Pathetic. You should've met a similar fate like Auf Yang. Soon.

Gorden: What was that, you lil' punk?!?!

Yap: (normal tone and now looking at him with a mocking face) A weak yet pathetic leader you are. Perhaps you'll soon see Auf Yang, the previous commander of Ironblood, heh?

Just then, Warspite came back.

Warspite: (hands Q.E the file) Your Majesty.

Q.E.: Now that we've gotten this....perhaps we can expose some of his....weakness that can be exploited.

Yap: IF. YOU can find it, that is. (Chuckles) Go on. Open that file and read my bio. I'm all ears.

Q.E.: [This scum-!!!] If that's your wish, you low life.

With that, she begin to reveal the contents of the file.

Q.E.: Ship name; Yap or simply, Leviathan. Prefers to be called by Yap. Length and ship Beam unknown as of now. Notably carries 50 cm main guns and 40 cm secondaries. Has what he calls 'rockets' [What in the world is that? Anyways], AA stat is high, just as expected of an Outlander. Top speed: 50 to 75 knots. May possibly be faster. Can generate a shield similarly used by Sirens. Claims he's not siding with them. (Closes the file) And that is it.

Yap: (muses) Most impressive indeed......'Your Majesty'? If that's what they call you. Though I must say you've done quite a good job analyzing my strengths. But unfortunately.... I'm but a ship after all. With that said, shall I give you an idea of what my weakness might be, hm?

Belfast: Then spit it out.

Yap: Ok. (Wakhh--- TUI!) Here. (Smiles like a literal idiot)

Belfast: NOT THAT ONE!

Yap: Well you didn't mean literally so...

Arizona: Looks like our target may be dumber than we thought after all....

Enterprise: It might be. But at the same time, it could also be a fluke. A decoy.

Yap: (puts hands up) Alright alright. One of my weakness weapons. Should you successfully disable them, I won't be able to fire them-

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