Chapter 15: Grand Escape

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Warspite's POV

Just what is he out his weaknesses just like matter. I've to give this to the commander.

3rd POV

2 more weeks remaining before Yap is supposed to be executed. 1 may wonder just how tf he's so calm about this.

Yap: [Hey, is that Cleveland? Wait, sure is.] Hey Cleveland! (Waves)

Cleveland: (Turns) Oh, Yap? Nice seeing you here. Anything?

Yap: Meh. Not really. (Lowers voice) Phase 2 of the plan will be executed today. I've heard Gorden's on his day off today. Perhaps this is the moment whether we'll know if he actually wants me alive or dead. I'll be at the hill. The usual time; 2 pm to 3.30 pm. Alright?

Cleveland: (whispering back) Yeah sure. So I come up to you and 'choke' you? 

Yap: Mhmm. Although you should ask some other shipgirls if they can eavesdrop on his plans. (Normal) So I guess I'll see ya later then Cleve! Got some work to do!

Cleve: (normal tone) See ya! Don't mind if I drop by for lunch!

With that, the 2 of them went back to whatever they were planning to do.

Yap: [I've a session of Interrogation at 1 pm later huh...hmm. Perhaps I should request James to be the interrogator this time. I've something to tell him.]

Going to the HQ's complaint and request section, Yap took a pen and some papers

(Scribbly scribbly noises)

Yap: AND DONE! ( :) )

Paper: It's me, your prisoner/target/Outlander Battlecarrier/Kommandant of Ironblood. I'd like to request commander James to be my interrogator for the day later at 1 pm. Thank you in advance -Yap.

Leaving the paper there in the Royal Navy's paperwork list of the day, Yap heads off to the cafeteria to work. Upon arriving however.... 

Yap: .........

It was utter chaos.

Yap: (To Nevada) Hey, Nev. Mind explaining what in the fuck happened here..?

Nevada: Enterprise and Belfast. I guess you can piece them together.

Yap: (._.) Alright...Lemme just clean up...then I'll get to work.

Nevada: Alright then.

Smol timeskip

After cleaning the mess made by Enty, Yap got back to work as usual.

Yap: [ What in fuck's name is wrong with them anyway?]

Timeskip to execution day~ (A/N: Sorry. But like I said before I want to finish this fanfic before my inspiration's all gone. Don't want coming back a few months later and looking at this like; "WTF is this thing? Did I even write this at all?!". So yeah. Anyway.)

Charles: Welp. Looks like your time's up buddy. Nice knowing ya.

Brafo: You were an interesting guy, to say the least. May we uh. Meet again on the other side.

Derek: A shame indeed. Don't worry. We'll make sure your plans will go well.

Alan: (saluting Yap) It was an honor knowing you, Yap of Ironblood.

Yap: (chuckles and salutes them back) It was quite a fun time for me too, boys. But I assure ya, I'm gonna live though this. I've already told Commander James of my plan as well.

A/N: (Freezes time) Now now now. Let's rewind things a little,hm?

Bites Za Dusto, 13 days ago.

Yap was sitting by the cliff again. It would seem the most usual for him now. Given that his favorite place (kind of?). Cleveland sneeki breeki'd behind him and "ambushed" him.

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