Chapter 10: Saving Ironblood's forces

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3rd POV

Time: Late night (11 pm ish)

Yap couldn't sleep. No, he wasn't suffering from insomnia. He was just a little worried on how things have turned out this far.

Yap's POV

A few months have passed since me and Y/N arrived...yet instead of quelling this conflict... It would seem like I'm THE one escalating it....though a small part of me does wonder if Author's still sane...after all, from what I've heard IRL he's...starting to feel..weird. He's also seeing some visions here and there..I can only hope he won't walk down a path of no return.

Author:..... Y'know, if it was any other character, i would've killed them off. But since it's you we're talking about..I guess it's fine. And yes. What he said or rather thought, it's true..I do feel some uneasiness every now and then.. I try to still remain as.. "human" as I can. This voice in my head is telling me not to follow it...but how long will I last?

You'll pull through. Just because you had quite a past that doesn't mean you SHOULD ignore that voice. Who knows, it might just even save your life. You've been through it for like at least 9 years. Man TF up.

Author: ....... I'll try...anyways..onwards to the story.

So yeah. Here I am currently. If I remember correctly, the bar was spared. So at least the girls (or rather, just Eugen) can drink away. I thought it'd be great to have a drink for a while and thus I head there.

Smol timeskip

3rd POV

Albert: Ah, Guten Abend Kommandant. Anything I may get you?

Yap: Guten Abend. Any will do. No strong liquor please. I've quite an amount of things to do tomorrow.

Albert: Well than, perhaps a few glasses of wine?

Yap: That'll do, Danke.

Albert: Mein Vergnügen, Kommandant.


After 8 glasses of wine (more or less a bottle. I don't really drink IRL so is this more or less correct? Do tell me if I'm wrong lol.), Yap went out from the bar and then back to his room for a quick few hours nap before preparing for tomorrow's event.

Yap: [While I wouldn't be drunk after just 1 bottle, still. It's better to limit myself. Welp. Time to sleep. Tomorrow's hella a day.]

Timeskip (again yes.)

After breakfast,morning inspections, the shipgirls, along with Y/N were called into the office to plan how to deal with the Royal Navy. However, all of them were here except a certain class of Cruisers. To be precise, the Admiral-Hipper class cruisers.

Yap: Huh... Where are they?

Everyone: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Didn't see them.

Yap: I.... See....well then. Looks like we'll have to continue without them-


Eugen: You can't blame me, can you now, cardboard-chest? I wanted someone to talk to!

Hipper: Oh for fucks sake-

Yap: (looking at them) .....Bruh. okay.. anyways. We'll try. Keyword; TRY. To convince them Royals to co-operate with us and hopefully, they'll allow some or better-all of our forces returned from them. We'll need them for the assault on 1 of their nearby forts (Author: uh let's just assume?). Any objections?

Deutschland: None. Except with working with those Royal dogs.

Yap: This few of us alone would only get us killed. In short, a suicide mission if we do so. I want us to minimize as much casualties as I possibly can.

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