Filler chapter 3: A short break before returining to Ironblood

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Enterprise: May we meet again, Outlander Yap...not as enemies on the seas but as allies on land...

3rd POV

After the coup de dat, there were abit of a mess that needed cleaning (namely Gorden's corpse alongside his loyalist ones). After that however...James sent a letter to Azur Lane Main HQ to send it Bennet Rogers as Eagle Union's new commander.

With Yap....

With him arriving at Sakura Empire, Engu welcomed him

Engu: Ah. Yap-san. (Bows) I apologize once again for having you to be in a such a rush to not only having to come to our aid but for also being unable to rescue you.

Yap: (shakes it off as he desummons his ship form) Not to worry much about it, Engu-san. I myself've got what it takes to escape from there after all.

Engu: (returns back to normal posture) I've....some things to talk to you in private. Commander-to-commander. Could you follow me?

Yap: (short nod) Lead the way.

Few minutes of walking later..

Now that they're both in the meeting room, Engu spoke up.

Engu: I'll be direct. Orochi. The large Siren ship you see. I'm rather concerned about it. Me and Nagato have tried our best to convince Akagi to stop feeding it cubes. But...she's quite a stubborn one and still very much insists. As an ally, I'm asking you whether or not I should cancel it directly...

Yap: ........ While I'm not part of your fleet, Shikikan Engu. As an ally, recommendation is not to cancel it. Instead, whenever possible, move Orochi near a deserted island nearby. Perhaps it'll be for the better. Though if I may inquire, Akagi doing so...? And by any chance, is Kaga involved too?

Engu: (sad sigh) Unfortunately for you, yes. Both of them are involved. As for the reason why.. Akagi had been devastated ever since the loss of her sister, Amagi. A battlecruiser for your info. 1 day Orochi suddenly appeared out of nowhere. When I asked who did it, Akagi came out and admitted. Although I tried to tell her there're some things we can't avoid, she still insisted that via Orochi, Amagi could be revived.

Yap: ..... [Amagi must've been a very good sister then...]

Author: Yeah. Oh did you know I actually took this part from a comic(?) in the Internet, of course. There's one featuring Gramps (King Hassan) from FGO and a chibi Amagi where she asked if she had been a good sister to Akagi and Kaga.

Yap: [Bro wat. Anyway.] She must've been a really good sister if it meant Akagi was so desperate that she wanted to revive her.

Engu: She was. When I was a newly appointed Shikikan here, the 3 of them were inseparable. It's a shame that happened.

Yap: What if I said I'm and to revive her?

Engu: (grabs Yap by shoulders) You will?! (Realizes) Apologies.

Yap: No worries. Although...we'll be even.

Engu: What do you mean by that?

Yap: I'm sure the Sakura Empire by then would owe the Ironblood a favor, no? I'd like to use it now. If you could, please do hear me out first.

Engu: Go on.

Yap: Engu-san. Are you willing to be open for peace talks? A negotiation/compromise if you will.

Engu: I'm not against that completely but why if I may ask?

Yap: (soft sigh) When one has seen many a wars and battles, one would settle down for peace. One who knows peace for too long craves for war. But in this case.... It's for us to unite against a common enemy. I'll try my best to come up with a plan that suits everyone. During my time in Azur Lane base, the Royal Navy commander was willing for peace talks. But now I think the Eagle Union's commander should be disposed off, making way for a new one. I hope this new commander is willing.

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