Chapter 21:The final part of Outlanders' journey

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3rd POV

Bismarck: [Kommandant.....I hope you know what you're doing....]

Tirpitz: (looks at Bismarck) Something on your mind, Schwester?

Bismarck: Nein..Just worried about how the Kommandant's doing, that's all.

Tirpitz: I see... You need not to worry for I've full trust in our Kommandant. Ever since HIM, that is.

Bismarck: I understand.. Let's not waste anymore time and press onward.

Tirpitz: Jawohl.

Back at the joint base....

Yap: Engu, I've told my shipgirls to rendezvous with your forces before arriving here. I trust that you'll handle that?

Engu: Indeed. Afterall, without them, they'd probably get lost, yes?

Yap: Indeed. Although I don't doubt their capabilities, I'm afraid all I can muster is only 2 battleships at best.

Engu: About that. You need not worry. I've called for the 1st and 5th Carrier Divisions along with Amagi. Ayanami and Kawakaze will also be on their way here.

Yap: (nods) Alright then. Anything else? 

Engu: Ah yes. The Takao-class cruisers will also be arriving as support. And the Nagato-class as well as Mikasa, Fusou, Ise and Hyuuga.

Yap: (nods abit more) Alright. I trust that is all?

Engu: Yes. You should check up on the others.

Yap: That's what I'll do now.

Leaving Engu, Yap walked to search for the 2 Azur Lane commanders for their reinforcement reports.

James: Ah. You've arrived, Yap. So, who'd you call as reinforcements?

Yap: Ironblood doesn't have much to spare. Thus, I only called for Bismarck and Tirpitz.

James: I see. From Pearl Harbor, I've called Wales, Hood, Javelin,Repulse and Illustrious along with Unicorn. Her Majesty along with Warspite also wishes to join. Along with Belfast, Edinburgh, Ark Royal and Sheffield. From the main base, I've called for Victorius, KGV, Norfolk, Suffolk, Rodney, Ajax and Dorsetshire.

Yap: Alright. How about yours, Bennet? [Ah. The ones I've met so far. While I'm somewhat OK-ish with KGV, Wales, Hood and Illustrious and maybe Unicorn......I can't say the same for the others..Wait. Ajax?....This is going to be a bit of a pain..... Oh well. I'll try to tolerate it the best I can.]

Bennet: I've called for all 3 Yorktown-class carriers. Cleveland and her sisters, San Diego and Laffey. For battleships/battlecruisers I've called for Arizona and Oklahoma.

Yap: Hmm. Alright. So our total forces would be 11 carriers, 18 battleships/battlecruisers, 19 cruisers, 6 destroyers.

Total force as planned:-

Ironblood;Prinz Eugen, Bismarck, Tirpitz, Hipper, Z1, Z23 aka Nimi and Köln.

Eagle Union;Arizona, Oklahoma, Enterprise, Hornet, Yorktown, Cleveland, Denver, Columbia, Montplier, San Diego and Laffey.

Sakura Empire;Amagi, Fusou, Ise, Hyuuga, Mikasa, Nagato, Mutsu, Takao, Atago, Maya, Choukai, Ayanami, Kawakaze, Akagi, Kaga, Shoukaku and Zuikaku.

Royal Navy:KGV, Wales, Hood, Repulse, Rodney, Q.E., Warspite, Javelin, Illustrious, Unicorn, Victorious, Ark Royalolicon, Belfast, Edinburgh, Sheffield, Ajax, Dorsetshire, Norfolk and Suffolk.

A/N: .....This list sure is long af. (sighs) Moving on and continuing with the story.

Engu: A total of 52 shipgirls... Plus Yap and his fellow Outlanders we'll have 56 in total.

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