Chapter 12: New toys, new guns, new retrofit(-ish?)

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3rd POV

Author: Good news! [Ish] With our dear Outlander protaganist now acquired modern day weaponary systems, obviously he's grown more powerful....but than again for plot development, he still a little nerfed but eh.

Yap: Aren't you supposed to be on hiatus till next year...? (S T A R E)

Author: Well yes....but either way (averts Yap's stare)... (Cough) I'll try updating but then again. No promises. Also I just recently hit 12 followers! Yay! A very big thank you for those guys,gals and ladies out there. [And maybe any ET reading this lmao.] Except my life is still a FMFL situation... What I'm trying to say is. While I'll be on Hiatus, I'll come back once in a while or so. Until then, please do support this book by giving it more reads, votes and comments. (Remembers something) AH! THAT'S RIGHT! (Fist smaccs into his open hand) In the next chapter, I'll be putting a ED song at the end of the chapter. Hope you readers won't mind :v . ANYWAYS! ONWARDS!

Yap: Yare yare...

After the Ironblood had returned to base, Yap of course had to tell them everything about him and Ajax being "siblings".

Yap: And it is as I said, we're not really "siblings" but at the same time we are.

Eugen: (WTF are you even talking about face)

Yap: (sighs) Let's...use an easier example...shall we..?

Ironblood: (nods) 

Yap: (Points to Hipper and Eugen) These 2 are from the same class of ships, grouped under the same...[family? Idk but uh. Author's understanding is still a little shit so uh. Bare with him....willya?] Class I guess if that's 1 way to put it.. while they might not be twins, but still. They're both siblings. Just like Bismarck and Tirpitz, Graf Spee and Deutschland, Scharnhorst and Gneisenau.. That's not really an important matter for now but let's discuss on the "Oh-so-conveniently-planned-attack" by the Sirens. Bismarck, if you will?

Bismarck: Alright Kommandant. (Steps forward) As said by him in the last few chapters, they conveniently appeared AFTER he left for Sakura Empire. (Turns to Yap and whispers to him for a while) I hope you had a great time there. (Turns back to them) While most of us were captured, only Spee and Deutschland were lucky enough not to get caught. We've been a little too caught up doing research on Siren tech to the point we've neglected patrolling the waters nearby, as such Entschuldigung, Kommandant.

Yap: It's alright. It's partially me at fault too. Now then. What are the reports on our Siren tech reverse engineering progress? And I'd like a report on the base's condition.

Bismarck: Our researchers believe given enough time and a little bit more components to study, we'll be able to integrate them into our riggings WITHOUT any side effects in half a year. But since the Sirens attacked.. It might be delayed to a year or 2. As for the base's condition.. the Manjuu are currently working on repairs. Food supplies are untouched, so is the bar. The dorms should almost be finished soon, while the defenses will take up to 4 months or so.

Yap: ...... [As I thought. It's going to take a long time to repair everything.... CHOTTO MATTE! AUTHOR! I THOUGHT ONLY I WAS ALLOWED TO BREAK THE 4TH WALL! WTF?! HOW-WHY-WHAT- SKBSDJNWSVIWSHI]

Author: [Ehe~ oh side note. At some point I've decided to add OA as well. No worries. She's not gonna do anything. But she'll make a great addition to the narrator/reader collection. Fuahahaha! Also her role here might be a side character for now. But after that, she's a narrator/1st class reader enjoying the book as I write]

Yap: Continue on with the repairs..(soft sigh) You all can be dismissed...

As everyone left including the Outlander gang, Yap stayed back in the meeting/conference room for a while. Pulling out the cube he began to wonder

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