Chapter 7: The 1st battle

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3rd POV

After the small......."incident",Yap went ahead and do his own stuff as usual.  Little did he know what was going on on the other side.....

???: Oh,my oh my, it looks like we've an intruder to take care of~

???2: N-n-n-nya?? (shocked,now scared cat noises)

???3: Get over here!

???2: (cat running away noises)

???3: Kaga, go and announce that we've been compromised. There's an intruder on the loose.

Kaga: Hai.

With Yap.....

Broadcast: Emergency! Enemies have been detected from within the base and is now fleeing away! We request all shipgirls to assist immediately!

Yap: ._. [Just what happened.......?]

Lev: No time to explain much so I'll give a summary to you. A green cat has well.....spied on someone. That someone is probably very important to Sakura Empire. Oh. Said spies have escaped too.

Yap: So you knew.....

Lev: I'm you in a way after all.....

Yap: Yare yare...... let's get this over with (yawns) Support me with your aviation.

Lev:'ve always liked rockets,missiles, I'm not surprised to say the least..

Yap: Those are simple. Lock onto an enemy and away they go,wait for a few moments and boom. Planes are kinda overrated if you ask me.

Lev: You're just bad at tactical planning....

Yap: Oi.....I take offense to that. I can use them too. Just that I can't handle more than 5 squadrons at a time.

Lev: Pathetic.

Yap: .....Whatever....Let's just go towards the docks.

Lev: Agreed..

Smol timeskippy

Yap: So....mind telling us why we are here..? (Questioning look) Truth be told,I was hoping that a vacation here would be without any...."troubles" like this.

Engu: I apologize for this,Ironblood. We do not wish to disturb the tranquility here. But, as a commander,I formally request your assistance in this battle.

Yap:.....I understand...Back in Ironblood we didn't have much spare dorms to share too. An inconvenience must be paid back by another one,no? (chuckles)

Engu: (slight smile) Indeed,commander. Now,could you please assist us?

Yap: (bows) With pleasure. You'll also notice the might of Ironblood engineering too

Engu: Then we shall see. (to his shipgirls) All of you who're here,split up to find the intruders.

SA shipgirls: Hai!

A/N: The shipgirls who've gathered...again. Yet to watch the anime. But I probably should soon so that I can actually write the battle scene. In other words,I'm just blindly smacking words (main hentam aje[Malaysian readers,especially those who're still studying,will know what this means probably])  into chapters that I hope is more or less same plot as the anime.(hopefully lmao) And then a few more self-insert plot that may or may not make sense.

And so the shipgirls fought.....Crimson Axis against Azur Lane....while Yap DID agree to one seen him...not in battle or even in the base....

Yap: (out there somewhere but not involved with battle,but rather chilling with Y/N because superior radar) (sips warm tea) Ahh.....this ish laifu...

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