Chapter 16: Explainations to be done

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"Until we meet again."

Yap's POV

Truth is, I'm not even sure if it could happen but hey, at least I tried lol. On my way back to Ironblood, I looked at the map Akagi had given me.

Yap: ..........

Amagi huh....? If my memory serves me right, she SHOULD be a battlecruiser, right Author?

Author: Mhmm. Sad huh?

Well kind of if you ask. Say. Is there an end to the fanfics you're gonna write?

Author: Meh. Who knows. Once I'm in higher education aka college or university, lesser time wil be spent here. Unless during semester breaks that is. Hehe.

.......good to know. Ever considered what you wanna become? Like which route you going to take for your life.

Author: Most likely IT. Software programming and designing, you get the idea. I'll try to make some time for myself in improving me art skills too.

You ever considered graphic design?

Author:.....meh. Yes but in the end, my drawings are shit beyond shit. Especially when it comes to drawing human-like figures.

....not the most creative one, yes?

Author: Mhmm. We may be straying a bit too far from the story now.

Oh yeah...

3rd POV

As Yap continued to look at said map, a Memory Wisdom cube materialized near him.

Yap: ? (Notices said cube and reaches out for it)

MWc: (lets Yap take it)

Yap: ......... (Shakes said cube)

MWc: ........................

Yap: Wonder what kind of special cube is this....but so long as it works....I hope. (Muses)

The ship continued sailing on........and on........and on..

Yap: [I'm about done now.. But now I'm bored. Let's see if we've anything to eat in the fridge or something...]

Turns out, there weren't any.

Yap: ....... Fuck.

By this point this story is kinda a bit like "Unlimited Cuss Works" and "Unlimited Reference Works". Maybe even "Unlimited Meme Works". Who knows, who cares. I'll probably come back a few months after this book is finished and I'm gonna be like; Lmao did I actually do this in the first place?

Maybe. Maybe not. People grow eventually amirite?


Yap: ...Movie it is then.


Now finally. After 4 fucking months. He's back in Ironblood. While most of the Ironblood shipgirls are glad to have him back.......2 certain shipgirls were VERY pissed. The flagship herself, Bismarck AND Lev. 1 of the Outlander.

Yap: ...... [Well fuck.]

Bisko+Lev: Mind explaining why you were gone..........for 4 MONTHS STRAIGHT?!

Yap: I-I can explain! Just don't kill me, m'kay?!?!


Yap: And that's what happened........

Lev: Well? Go on...... Don't worry, I won't bite or eat you. [Yet...once in bed, you're so gettting eaten later.]

Yap: That's all! Really! (Waves hand frantically)

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