Scherzo of Iron and blood Part 2

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(Whoops. It might be blurred/smol in size. Sorry. Tried to do it as best as I could)

KGV: This is the end, Bismarck. By the decree of the Queen, you are to lay down your arms and come with us. You shall have a fair trial in our courts.

Bismarck: So, is this how the Royal Navy does things, O "Sailor King?" Even in the face of our bloody retribution, you still insist on suppressing your fighting instinct to resort to cheap rhetoric. Tell me... You may be cutting edge warships, but do your hearts even know the thrill of battle?

KGV: Hahaha! It's been a long time since someone has called me that... You see, every member of the Royal Navy has a moral obligation to act in accordance with our noble traditions. Her Majesty grants providence to those who have lost their way, but smites those who would cause us harm. I shall not ask you another time–

Bismarck: FEUER!

KGV: She doesn't have the ammo for this. Fear not, our enemy is on her last legs! She's made her choice painfully clear... All forces, open fire! For the glory of the Royal Navy!

KGV:Quite impressive armor you have there... Even my 14-inch guns are having trouble breaking through.

Bismarck: Our mastery of metallurgy far surpasses anything the Royal Navy is capable of...

(Explosion noises)

Bismarck: What... from starboard?! Gah... this kind of firepower... it can't be...

???: Ships of the Royal Navy, now we triumph over the enemy! You face one of the Big Seven! Let's see how your vaunted armor stands against my 16-inch guns! Fiiiiire!


Bismarck: (Speaking in between explosions/shots) This is...a once-in-a-lifetime battle...the greatest thrill...for an Iron Blood battleship!

Yap in background: (Distant) So THIS explains why when I saw 1 random comic strip of Azur Lane they showed Bismarck as a masochist? Wow......

Back to Bismarck......

Bismrack: Curses... they took out my precious Dora?! Have we lost the initiative...?

???: Target her bridge. All guns–


???: What...?! A shell from beyond the horizon?! Everyone, switch to high alert! There are more enemies still out there!

???2: (arrives) Indeed.......

The mist began to set in again, seemingly as if welcoming an unexpected foe.

KGV: Of course they'd show up at a crucial time like this...Royal Fleet, back into formation. Let's give the newcomer a warm welcome!

???2: Why, I'd appreciate it. does show the....."hospitality" of this new world....?

Everyone there was almost immediately dumbstruck except for this "newcomer" of theirs

Royal Navy girls: What does she(?) mean by that...?

Bismarck: (still standing) [This sounds like.....a male...? Impossible! No way there's a shipboy! We all know it's ridiculous!]

???2: This means.........I'm from another world!

The sound of a sword getting pulled out from it's scabbard could be heard. And soon, the newcomer steps out from the mist

???2: We can do this the easy way. Or the hard way. Hand the shipgirl over there (points at Bismarck), and we can all forget all this ever happened. No ONE needs to be injured after all....But if you want me to do the hard way...then so be it....

The Lone Leviathan Battleship In Another World (Azur Lane story ft male reader)Where stories live. Discover now