Special Chapter: Valentine's day

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3rd POV

With Crimson Axis now being an official alliance,it didn't take long for a ship's launch date's anniversary. Said shipgirl was a little busy helping Yap out.....

Yap: [I can handle this Bismarck.......Just go and enjoy your birthday..with Tirpitz or your Ironblood comrades. Or maybe even our new allies?] (sighs) That's A LOT of paperwork today,huh?

Bismarck: Yes. Something the matter?

Yap: No,not really. [Damn you for this work author.] But seriously,Bis. Go have your day off. You don't have to necessarily work today. Besides,most of the time I work alone here too so-

Author: Hehehehehe. Kek-

Bismarck: Nonononono. I insist. As your secretary,it is only natural I do my duty to assist you.

Yap:...............[S U S. Can't she just take the hint and IDK, just go out and celebrate with the Crimson Axis? Jeez...Welp. At least I'm back here with Ironblood.......]

(Naval gun firing in distance)

Yap: [WHAT NOW??? And more importantly....who the heck did it???] (stands up) Bismarck,I'm going to check it out. Mind taking over for a while?

Bismarck: Sure.

Yap: (Goes to said area where he assumed to be the fighting spot) (clears throat) Ladies, mind telling what happened here to the point of using your own riggings?

???: [Shit.........He heard us arguing...it's all Deutschland's fault for being so short-tempered. Grr! And now's Yap's here. Gotta come up with an alibi fast! Or else-]

Deutschland: Well what happened here was........

(Totally real flashback)

???: OOF! Watch where you're going,idiot!

Deutschland: Me? An idiot? Like you, Scharnhorst?

Scarnhorst: I think the idiot here is this cruiser here..

Gneisenau: Schwester, I'd recommend you to stop arguing right now.

Scarnhorst: Or else?

Gneisenau: Or else.........HE will have to handle this.

Deutschland: You think I'm afraid of that pathetic animal?!?

Gneisenau: [Welp. Time to call him to handle this.] (walks a distance away as the 2 continue arguing and then calls Yap) Hallo Kommandant? There's a......"problem" here that needs solving. I'd recommend you to come over ASAP. Those 2 will probably end up doing something stupid-

(Rigging engaging sound and turrets firing)

Yap: (on the other side of said phone)........I get it. On my way. (Hangs up)

With Yap...

Yap: Bismarck, mind taking over for now?

Bismarck: Sure.

Flashback (?) end

Yap:........Who engaged their riggings first? If the 2 of you either say "I don't know" OR "We both engaged it at the same time" OR something similar to the lines of that, Gneisenau'll be the one who's going to decide your punishment. So speak up. (To Gneisenau) Go all out if you need be. No need to hold back. (Back to Deustchland and Scarnhorst) So? What's your answer ladies?

S&D:..........................[SHIT. He figured us both out.]

Yap: Welp. There you have it. Gneisenau, I trust you'll see to it?

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