Chapter 17: Start of a renewed alliance

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3rd POV

A/N: Aight. Just before I start off. Today. 31/7/2021. A full year since I'm on Wattpad ever since my 1st account decided to die. (coughs) Not the important part here  BUT. 15 followers! Within a year! Huzzah! It might be a bit of a bother to you readers, but to me, it is a very very wonderful achivement indeed. Anyways. Onwards to the story.

As Bisko was given day off again by Yap, he wondered what to do in the meantime...

Yap: [I'll go call for the expeditionary forces that we used during our time in Sakura Empire a few long chapters ago... Oh. And I've to prepare said letters. Or what was it again? Yeah whatever. Basically the alliance proposal. I wonder how I'll convince them...both THE expeditionary forces AND the other commanders to agree. Hmm...perhaps it's better to worry about the expeditionary forces first, then Orochi, then the alliance proposal. Yeah.. I'll do just that] (soft sigh)

Random Manjuu: (hops in and offers tea to Yap) "You alright there? You look like you're preparing for lots of shit that's gonna come to you. Perhaps a cup of your favorite tea or 2 may help?"

Yap: (Takes the cup from said Manjuu and headpats it with his other hand) Thank you. And yes, I'm a bit worried on the alliance proposal. I'm sure you've heard of it, yes?

Random Manjuu: "But of course! After Lord Bismarck had announced it, us Manjuus were quite excited for the change! We'll finally be able to meet our friends from other factions again!"

Yap: (sips tea) I......see...May I know your name, little one?

Thomas: (salutes) "Thomas Miller, kommandant. Reporting for duty!"

Yap: (chuckles) Alright then. Thomas Miller... I'll keep it in mind. Your said friends?

Thomas: "They're Natsuki Poole, the head of the Manjuus at Sakura Empire, Caleb Field, the commander/flagship's right hand for the Manjuus at Royal Navy and Bayard Myers, head of cleaning department in Eagle Union!" (smugly proud Manjuu face)

Yap: (jots them down) Aight..If ya say so, Thomas. Say, could you call Eugen, Nimi, Lev, Storm, Y/N, Koln, Z1 and Hipper. I've...abit of words to talk with them.

Thomas: "Aight. Heading off."

Smol timeskip

Eugen: So what did you can us here for, hm~?

Hipper: This better be worth my time.

Koln + Z1: Anything, kommandant?

Z23/Nimi: Kommandant? What did you can us here for?

Outlander gang: Sooooo...

Yap: (clears throat) I would like to tell you we're going back to Sakura Empire again. I've some things to do there that'll need your help. Although be warned. We're NOT there for vacation, but rather.....for a job of....... Eradication.

Eugen: (interested) And what's this eradication you speak of, Kommandant, hm?

Yap: (places a paper) Remember that big ass Siren ship that sure looked sus af? This is Orochi. Supposedly a battlecarrier just like me and Lev. But with Siren tech, of course. With our dear ally, Sakura Empire has requested me to take this out once and for all. What say you all?

Eugen: (looks at it for a short while) This sure does look interesting...but why would Sakura Empire wants us to help eradicate this thing anyway?

Yap: Good question. Akagi, one of the 1st Carrier Division believes that Orochi could revive her sister. After knocking some sense into her, she agreed. As we speak, I'm hoping that Sakura Empire's still dragging Orochi somewhere that wouldn't attract attention of Azur Lane. I've made an alliance offer but there's no telling if it'll work.

The Lone Leviathan Battleship In Another World (Azur Lane story ft male reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora