Chapter 8: Infiltration payback

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3rd POV

Lev, after dragging Yap into their temporary dorms, demanded an explanation from Yap.

Lev: WHAT THE HELL YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING?! YOU HAD ME WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU! [All in all. I'm just glad he's safe... baka...]

Yap: Sorry... all I did was JUST gather intel and Azur Lane's base layout. So quit worrying about me. Besides, I can take them head on if need be-

Lev: (slaps Yap) Baka! Do you not understand I worry about you?! What would happen if you were to be kidnapped?!

Yap: I said I was sorry, Lev...could you forgive me, please? (pleading look)

Lev: H-hmmph. Fine. Only this once. Don't you do that again you baka.... (hugs him)

Yap: ....... (pats and rubs Lev's head) Sure.....

Lev: (Looks up to Yap) (slightly teary eyes) Promise...??

Yap: (small smile) Promise... [.......knowing myself it's obviously a fake promise. BUT! I'm going to infiltrate their base and see if there's any useful... "information".. There has to be a reason why the Azur Lane shipgirls REALLY want to hunt me down. The Royal Navy I understand but... Eagle Union?? What does that have to do with me? They seemed... desperate. As if they were forced... must be their commander... Although I can't do much as of now, I'll need the intel. Since I've already gotten the base's layout, so knowing where to sneak in and out shouldn't be a problem. Speaking of which....they should be repairing after said battle....]

Small timeskip

After some headpats for Lev, Yap then went to Engu's office.

Yap: (knocks on door) Hello, is Engu-san there? If yes, I hope I'm not bothering you. I would like to talk to you about.... "private information" that I've my hands on.

Engu: (from inside) Ah yes. (Opens door and ushers Yap in) First of all, I sincerely apologize for the attack made by Azur Lane. And you've tired yourself out too by willingly scout the enemy base.

Yap: (waves it off) No worries about it. Anyways. I've got information of Azur Lane's base. Here's the layout....

2.5 hours timeskip

During said time, the 2 commanders viewed the base planning and discussed on how to enter and exit, where important buildings may be, their guard shifts, etc. Now onto their final plan; who to choose to assist Yap in sneaking in.

Engu: I'd recommend Ayanami. She's 1 of our most trusted spies. I believe she'll be able to assist you.

Yap: (thinks about it for awhile) Hmm... ok then. Engu-san.

Engu: Yes?

Yap: Keep this mission a secret.  Tell no one else. Except for Mikasa-nee...

Engu: I see your request, Yap. Do not worry about it then.

Yap: Thank you....

Few hours timeskip...

Yap's POV

I didn't want to do this, truth be told... But for well.... my original purpose here.. (and for plot. Screw you for that author.) [Author: Kek...] I've to do it. I've left a letter too for Mikasa-nee. I'm not risking it by writing it for Lev... after her last outburst there's no telling when she'll explode again... (sighs) welp. Here I am, in the docks  of Sakura Empire. Along with Ayanami, we're both waiting for the perfect time to set sail. Since we're both still 1 and a half hour early, I let Ayanami roam free around. Nimi however, did came out to me.

Nimi: Big bro Yap, why are you still here at the docks at this hour?

Yap:.... I've a mission to do Nimi. I can't tell you much about it. But I can tell you a very small bit about this mission's purpose. Want to know? ;)

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