Filler Chapter 4: When a selfish wish meets a selfless Outlander

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*btw, you can also call this chapter: "A wish to an Outlander"

Author: We've come this far now.. But there's no turning back now, is there? (chuckles) Ah... Looking back from how I first started writing, I'm not sure if I should say if I had improved since. But still, I'm glad it brings back memories. Who knows, maybe a few years later or months once I'm done with this book, I might just look back and be like; Oh wow. Look how cringy my story was. Ahahaha...anyways. It was a fun ride writing this Azur Lane fanfic. P.S; This will be the last of the Filler Chapter series. (Bows) Apologies in advance should there be anything in this story you may find offensive. Now without further ado... Let the show begin...

Yap: Oi oi oi. We aren't in Teyvat yet.

Author: YET. I'm considering a Honkai Impact 3rd and Genshin fanfic too.. Though I wonder if I should just delete those books that aren't getting any reads? Like literally 0 reads. Am kinda starting to think they're a bit of a hinderance since I myself don't really feel like continuing it. Meh. (shrugs) Anyways onward. To. The. Chapter.

3rd POV

Yap: [Ah yes. Amagi... I'll finish it soon...]


Akagi: You could revive my sister, Amagi-nee?

Yap: Indeed. But you must halt Project Orochi at once. Look, I'm not here to tell you what's right and wrong, but you're much older and more experienced than this outlander. (Puts hand on shoulder) I can revive her, yes. But remember what you need to do...

Akagi: Of course.

A/N: Original dialogue; Filler chapter 3.

Flashback end

Yap: [Now come to think of it.... What's this.... 'Memory Wisdom Cube..' thing anyway?]

Author: Ah. Allow me to explain.

Yap: [You better. At most fanfics about Azur Lane has used other cubes are the Black Mental ones. But this, on the other hand, has new stuffs like 'Memory Wisdom Cube', Prototype Black Mental Cube Mk.thingamaghic and what not. So I guess this does make a somewhat original story I guess? Though at the beginning you had to refer to others so...may be a not-so-original-story after all.]

Author: Authors all 'round the world have their own ways of writing their long as it isn't 100% plagiarism. Also state who you may copy from. Or the idea of it at least. But really though, in some parts of Wattpad, I just don't understand why the 'Depressed/Bullied Male Reader x *Insert anime/movie series etc etc' or something similar to it. Like really? If you want to make a fanfic about a depressed/bullied reader/character , at least make an actual story where said character first meets a character from anime/movie series that leaves a mark on them, sort of telling them to not die or something. Not just straight up "Oh. You're depressed/bullied/abused. You're OP. I wanna join the harem." Now now now, no offense to any reader(s) who enjoy reading those types of fanfics and authors out there who enjoy writing them as well, what I'm saying here is my own opinion. I mean, at best you're just losing out on 1. ONE reader only. Is that really with arguing for? Anyways. Back to the topic at hand on what we're supposed to discuss..  the 'Memory Wisdom Cube'.

The Memory Wisdom Cube functions quite similar to a typical Wisdom Cube. I don't know. I don't play Azur Lane. So I'll just go ahead and assume it's the 'backbone' of a shipgirl (Although not literally). So this Memory Wisdom Cube is typically used on fallen shipgirls. For example; Amagi. On how implanting this cube works... I'll try my best to 'explain' it on this chapter. So, you first remove the Wisdom Cube from the shipgirl's body. Then you let the Memory Wisdom Cube 'absorb' the memories from the former Wisdom Cube. Though this is a one time only use though. And there's the risk should it fail.... If you want to resurrect someone using this cube, you're gonna need another one to give them a 3rd chance at living (assuming if your attempt of giving the shipgirls a 2nd chance of living operation works [ :/ ]. If you can't understand this...well I can't really say anything about it. Not because I'm mocking your potato/pea/monke brain but it's because I literally have no more fucking idea on how to simplify it further. So...someone in the comments, please explain should anyone not get it?

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