You stayed like that for a while, surrounded by a comfortable silence as you played with Kageyama's hair, Kageyama busy trying not to doze off as you felt slumber try to take over.

The both of you eventually fell prey to it, closing your eyes as you fell into a short lived slumber.


You grumbled, attempting to turn away from the voice before the weight on your stomach prevented you from doing so.


You mumbled a small "five more minutes" before patting around your body in search of anything to cover your face with.


After failing to find anything to cover the light shining on your face you hummed, slowly opening one eye as you looked up at the figure smiling down at you.

"Hello, Miwa-san." You hummed, giving her a small smile as you opened both of your eyes. "How're you?"

She giggled, reaching up to pat your head as you finished adjusting to the change in lighting.

"I'm alright, though cosmetology school's seriously kicking me in the ass."

You snickered, humming as you tried to sit up, stopping when you felt Tobio move around on your stomach. You both looked down, looking at Tobio drooling over the tatami carpet you two were laying on.

You shifted up to rest on your elbows, giving her a small smile as she snickered once more.

"Etsuko-san called." She hummed, leaning back when you shot up, Tobio rolling down to your lap at the sudden action.

"Mamma did? What time is it?"

Miwa hummed, bringing up her watch before smiling up at you. "Seven fifteen."

You hummed, relieved since your curfew is at eight.

"In the morning." Miwa finished, looking at you in amusement as you went through multiple stages of grief in three seconds.

"Mamma's gonna kill me." You muttered, looking at Tobio sleeping soundly on your lap as you felt your world begin to shatter, suddenly held together when Miwa giggled.

"Don't worry Y/N-chan, I talked to Etsuko-san and even sent her a picture of you two sleeping. So she let you stay over for the night." She hummed, standing up as she ruffled your hair. "On that note, Fumiko-san stopped by to drop off your uniform for today, since you still have to go to school."

You hummed, relieved but annoyed it was a Monday.

"Alright, I'll get going then Miwa-san, I don't want to be late again."

Miwa hummed, ruffling Tobio's hair to slowly wake him up as she smiled at you. "Can I ask you for a favor?"

You nodded, smiling down at Tobio as he started blinking everything into focus.

"Can you walk Tobio to school for me? I was going to, but I have to leave in a bit to buy some stuff I need for class today."

You hummed, smiling at her as she thanked you, standing up to be on her way as you looked at Tobio trying to drift back to sleep.

"Come on, you have fifteen minutes to get ready."


"You said fifteen."

You hummed, glancing at Kageyama as you leisurely walked down the streets of Miyagi.

"I'm aware."

The Grand King and Queen [Oikawa siblings]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt