I ran, and ran and ran until I got to an intersection. "Jax?"

"Go straight forward and the first alleyway right."

"Am I almost there?"

"Yes. When u take that alleyway on the right, you should see an old tall building with the windows smashed and graffiti all over it." Jax described my exact surroundings.

"Yes, I'm here. But I don't see Tal here..."

"Go inside the building."

"Okay" I walked closer to the building but I didn't need to go inside to know Tala wasn't here anymore. "Jax, I think Tala is kidnapped." I said


"Her phone is at the entrance of it and the are tire tracks too." I described the scene in front of me

"Shit. Okay, I'll check the cameras around this area. What are you gonna do?"

"I don't know, Jax... Lucifer is waking up. If I tell him Tala got kidnapped and she's carrying his child, he'll kill me."

"Damion, when are you going to him?"

"I think after I searched around here for a while. I'll just check the buildings and the streets here."

"Okay. Let's start now then." He suggested

"Okay. I'll see you at the hospital later?"

"Yes, see you there." And he ended the call

Alright Dam you gotta search for her now. You shouldn't have left her there. Damn it.

—- a few hours later —-

I searched the whole area. All buildings, all floors, all streets, all alleyways, everything but she's not here anymore.


"Dam... did you find anything?"

"No, I searched everywhere, I'm coming back after visiting Lucifer and I'm gonna follow the tire roots."

"Okay... I'll see you in a few then"

"Yea, bye" and I ended the call again.

I ran all the way back to the store then to the parking spot where my car stood. I got in and yelled, I started hitting the steering wheel. After a while I calmed down and drove to the hospital.

When I arrived I first got myself together; when I did that I went inside. I walked to Lucifer's room and met Jax on my way there. As we entered Lucifer's room, we saw he didn't have any if the machines connected to him.

"He's sleeping right now. But he'll wake up in a few." The nurse said.

"Okay, thanks" Jax replied

We sat down on the couch in the corner of the room and waited. I think 2 hours passed now and Lucifer's still asleep. He tossed and turned a few times but he hasn't opened his eyes yet.

"Jax? Damion?" We heard a soft, weak voice call out. And both our heads looked at Lucifer.

"Hey Lucifer." We both said.

"Where's Tala?" He asked.

"Umhhh about her ... She kinda got kidnapped a few hours earlier..." I said. "But we're still doing everything we can to find her." I continued before I got a dagger thrown my way.

"She got KIDNAPPED?!" His voice became stern and angry now.

"Y- Yes." Jax stuttered. That's the first time I saw Jax afraid of Lucifer.

"Okay... how long have I been out?" He asked

"For about 6 months. Almost 7 now." We said.

"What!" He was shocked.

"It's true brother." I told him

"And there's something else you should know about to... or rather someone else." Jax was saying before I cut him off.

"Shut up, let Tal tell him herself!" I whisper yelled at him. But quiet enough so Lucifer couldn't hear me.

"What?" Lucifer replied on Jax's statement

"Nevermind, You'll see and meet them soon enough..." Jax corrected himself.

"Okay? Anything else I missed?"

"Tala has been receiving threatening messages. So we assume this person is the same one as who kidnapped her. Tala has been living with Dam for the past 6 months. She misses you like crazy. And that's it." Jax filled him in on everything.

—- Tala's POV—-

I was blindfolded and tied in a chair. I wasn't sure where I was, all I know is that this is not good. Damn I wish Lucifer was here. I heard footsteps coming my way. They took off the blindfold and I saw a tall scary man with 2 scars in his face. One on his forehead and one across his left eye.

"Ah, you're awake. Boss is gonna be so happy to see you." He said.

"Who is your boss?" I asked as confident as possible.

"You'll see little girl." He said as I heard a door swing open.

"Ah, my precious little girl... Hello again. It's been awhile since we last met." His boss said.

"You?!" I yelled shocked.

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