"She's a cutie, I swear." Rena says. "When will you and Ash try for another?" She asks CiCi, who was wiping her hands on a dish towel.

"Probably when she turns 3 or 4. We don't wanna have another one too soon." CiCi replies and walks with them to the living room where AJ and Ash were conversing about the latest football game.

They stayed for a couple of more minutes until they soon had to leave. They all had their own plans for the day. Nova was rested on Ash's lap, playing with her dolls. "Daddy, you have Maria." She hands him the pretty Barbie doll.

"Okay, I'll have this one." He says, making Gracie chuckle. He looks up at her and gives her a wink. She smiles and sits next to them. "Austin is gonna be visiting next week. He was able to convince his wife to come." Ash informs her.

Austin had moved to Italy once Ashton had graduated. He comes back once every three months. He's bringing his wife, Laila, with him as well. The two were so excited. "Mommy, I eat?" Nova says, rubbing her stomach.

"Okay, sweetheart. What would you like to eat?" Gracie asks her dramatic two year old daughter.

"Hmm... burger and fry sticks!" The little one answered excitedly. Gracie and Ash both laughed. Gracie ended up ordering McDonald's for them. They don't eat fast food often. First time in two months.

Ash had cut Nova's small burger in half and placed a little drizzle of ketchup over her fries. After finishing, she had ketchup and chocolate milk stains all over her. "I'll put her in a bath." Gracie tells Ash and he nods while cleaning up the mess on the table.

Nova whines. "I don't wanna." She whines, pouting. She rubs her eyes. "Mommy, I sleepy. Nap?" She tells CiCi.

"Let's clean you up first, then you can take your nap." Gracie tells her. She runs water with bubbles. She quickly cleans up her drowsy daughter and placed her in a cute little onesie. He held her and rubbed her back as Nova begins to close her cute little eyes. She places Nova in her crib and cracked the door slightly.

Meanwhile while Nova was down for a nap, Ash and Gracie were cuddling on the couch, watching a movie. "Are you alright?" Ash asks his wife while rubbing her thigh softly.

"Mhm, I'm fine. She replied. "Callie and Chloe are coming tomorrow. They're back from their trip." CiCi tells him.

"It's so funny how Chloe's now seven." He says, reminiscing about young Chloe. "I guess it's difficult seeing her grow up. It's gonna be more difficult once she turns a teenager."

CiCi laughs. "I'm sure it will." She leans her head back, staring up at the ceiling. She starts to think about her young daughter. "The doctor says that Nova is somewhat advanced in talking for toddlers her age."

"She's around people who talk a lot so she's catching on." Ash tells her and she nods. He kisses his wife's cheek and the side of her neck causing her to moan softly. He starts sucking and kissing more roughly. "You know what I want, baby." He seductively whispers in her ear. CiCi nod with her bottom lip between her teeth.

"Oh, Ash." Gracie moans. She grabs his face and turns to kiss his lips. They both couldn't control themselves. Soon, they were half naked in the kitchen. "Fuck me." CiCi whispers as Ash was sucking on her clit. They were far so no one could see them.

Ash got up and kissed her lips one last time before thrusting inside of her, causing her to moan out loud.


An hour passed. They both had enough. They were laying on their bed, breathing heavily. "I have to use the bathroom." Gracie tells her husband and kisses his jaw before getting out of his hold, walking to the bathroom.

She took a birth control pill, used the bathroom and ended up taking a shower as well. When she walked back in their room, Nova was wide awake, playing with her father. She squeals as she drops on his chest. He laughed as he held her and kiss her cheeks.

"Somebody's wide awake." Gracie says. Her beautiful daughter turns to her and walked to her, holding her arms out.

"Hold?" Nova asks sweetly. Her mother picked her up and held her on her hip.

"You enjoyed your nap time?" CiCi asks her daughter. Nova nods.

"Ice cream." Nova says excitedly.

"You're not getting ice cream right now." CiCi says. She then watches as her daughter pouts while poking out her bottom lip. She lets out a wail and soon starts crying.

"Aw, come here, Novie." Ash holds out his arms and CiCi placed her down and she crawled to Ash and cried on his shoulder. He coos and kisses her cheek. "What's wrong, my love?"

She just whines and wipes her eyes. She lays on Ash's chest as he rubs her back. After five minutes, Nova was feeling better. CiCi put on her shoes and they all walked outside and to the park.

Gracia watched her husband and her daughter. "I'm so lucky." She says to herself. She closed her eyes and thanked God for giving her Nova and putting Ash in her life.

"Mommy!" Nova squeals, knocking CiCi out of her train of thought. CiCi stood up while they all played tag. Truly a happy family.

The End 💕

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