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I woke up to loud voices, it sounded like someone was having an argument.

I was still wearing only the pair of boxers and no top, the headache I had before had gone and the pain in my hips.

Standing up I looked around the room, i noticed the clothes on the other far end of the bed.

Stretching a bit I moved to the other side and checked them out, it was a black t-shirt that was huge if I may add and a pair of sweat pants .

Hmm no underwear no bra wow.

Only put the shirt on and proceeded to the door. Opening the door revealed a large hallway with a room opposite and two other rooms then stairs.

Everything was mostly white and black with the shiny white marble floor.

Wow this looks like a hotel or sum.

As I  proceeded sown the stairs the shouting got louder...

"You can't just dissapear for a month from work without saying a word you piece of shit,"

"Well...I can do what ever I want because I am the CEO and i make the rules dimwit its about time you take responsibility  and learn how to properly run the businesses on your own,"

"Well... that's what I've been doing for the past one month with no fucking clue where my bitch ass brother that I'm  supposed to be running the business with is! and to make it worse he hasn't been attending any of the family dinners  and has mom worried fucking sick , and loook at your fucking hair."

"Well I've been busy,"

I decended down the stairs and the sight before me had me shook, two fricking identical twins quarreling, it was an exact copy of Kane, he looked just like him, and i couldn't tell who was who.

I awkwardly tried to leave the room and go to the kitchen.

"Oh....Oh my freaking God,"  one of them said." This is what you've  been doing, fucking around ...wow, i never knew I would find a day where our 'keeping myself for someone special and I have no time for useless hookups' brother would be somewhere hiding and fucking a freaking criminal," he continued.

Ouch... that kinda hurt.

Without a word I went back up stairs, i didn't want to be involved in their fight.

"Wait, Clover....fuck What the hell is wrong with you,Luca," he shouted.

I quickly ran to the room and went direct to the bathroom.

Mainly because I wanted to pee.

After peeing I moved back to the room where I found Kane lifted on the bed, he immediately stood up when he saw me.

"Fuck, I'm sorry about him, Clover. I'm really sorry, please don't be angry at me?" He pleaded holding my hands.

"I can't be mad at you over someone else is fault,  i just wanted you to talk things out with him and i needed to pee so I left , i can't be mad at you," I said hugging him.

He hugged me back holding me closer and tighter.

"You mean so much to me Clover," he said and kissed my forehead.

"Now why haven't you been going to work Kane? Yes I heard and the family dinners and it's all my fault you did That to your hair, they are gonna hate me just like your brother already does," i said looking into his beautiful eyes as he smiled at me.

"Ofcourse not babe, and I had to take care of my baby plus, it's only been a month I had never taken a break from work and i promise my family will love you," he said as he started placing kisses on my face, neck and jaw.

"So I was thinking we have an afternoon snack,"

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