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I woke up to bright light, my body hurt, everything hurt.

I was in a hospital.

I tried to get up but I was hand cuffed, to the bed, I groaned from The pain of the discomfort.

"Anyone there," I shouted.

A nurse and a police officer entered the room.

"Hello , Ms. Clover, I would advise you not to move alot, you have broken ribs and your face is pretty swollen. The doctor will be coming to tell you more," the nurse said and moved out.

"Ms. Clover, your under arrest for assault and you will be released tomorrow then taken for questioning at the police station." The officer said looking at me disgustingly.

"And as for your case, Mr. Leonardo wants you in prison for 20 years, should have known before you messed with a billionaire." He said laughing at the end.

Tears slowly rolled out of my eyes, I was in too much pain to fight back, it was all my fault. I wish I didn't over react.

I was in too much pain, I had lost everything and was in both emotional and physical pain, I had lost the only person I had.

I just wanted to die.

"Look she's crying hahaha,next time use your-" he was cut off by someone.

"Please leave now, the patient is in pain, leave before I call security," a woman shouted.

"You can't I was sent here to make sure the patient doesn't escape," He said rolling his eyes.

"I am the part owner of this hospital now leave before I get that badge removed from you," He immediately moved out of the room.

"Hi, I'm your doctor, you can call me, Miss Caprice the rest of my names are kinda hard," she said. Smiling at me.

I only continued to cry.

"Come on you have to stop crying, it's going to be ok," she said slowly.

"I requested for your stay to be longer, because you need to heal." She continued. And I just stared as tears flowed out.

"Its ok you don't have to reply, I know it's over whelming, but I'll be here for you,"she said as she slowly caressed my hair.

"Get some rest, and maybe before that, give a number of someone I can contact to help you," she said

"I... have- no one," I whispered." Not even a friend?" She asked. And I shook my head no.

"Well.... I'll be your friend," she said excitedly.

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