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"Stop feeding me so much I'm gonna get too fat.."

"Well, blame my mom, she forced to learn how to cook," he said shrugging..

"Ahhh," I groaned..

"Let me give you some of this chocolate cake to ease the frustration," he said placing a piece of the cake on my plate that i gladly ate.

"And she says i over feed her, yet she happily recieves the food," he siad dramatically rolling his  eyes.

"Shutup," i grumbled eating the cake."add me more," i said lifting up my plate..

And he rolled his eyes at me adding me another huge slice.

"Your really good...who taught you" i said chewing.

"Ahh close your mouth and my dad did," he said as he leaned down onto the island.

How is someone smexy in all angles.

"You east like a pig," he said wiping my lip.

This is weird...

"Didnt you tell me to do as i like,"

"Well, a cute pig, my pig ofcourse thats why i have to feed you all the time," he said.

"Well can you do the pig'shair too, because you know im a pig, im kinda broken too soo...,"

"Ofcourse piggie,"

"Hurry up, farmer,"

"I told you, to do it gently,"i groaned glaring at him.

"Its not my fault your hair as hard as steel wire,"

"I told you to put enough detangler, but u didnt listen."

"I used half the bottle though," he said nonchalantly.

"Let me see.." i said reaching out for the bottle.

"Are u sure you have done someone's hair before?"

"Yes, at around 5 my moms" he said smiling.

"So you used gel for egdes,on my hair..." i trailed off glaring up at him. As he smiled akwardly

"But it was just a small strand,"jhe grumbled childishly.

"Small strand? "😒

He cut my hair, a lot of it.

"Ok fine I'll bake you chocolate muffins, "he said hugging my back as i rolled my eyes.

"That won't make a difference in the length of my hair," i said trying to push him away but he was too strong.

" Im sorry, Clover, "

"I'll just habe to cut it all off," i mumbled looking at the mirror.

"Your gonna, what!"

"So, basically you shaved your head and dyed ur hair so that it would look like mine," l shouted.

And he  nodded his head...he looled really good though .....why

"Now we are matching and i felt bad after what i did to your hair so seince you shaved your hair and dyed it, i decided to do the same," he said grinning.

"Ok, but im still angry, unless you do for me something...."

"Are you sure you're ready?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"Yes, i am its been 2 weeks Im pretty much healed." I said trying to hide my eagerness.

He continued to trail kisses down my body right above my clit...

I curved my back as I waited eagerly with my eyes closed.

It still hurts but im down so bad.

I tried not to wince when he approached my clit with his tongue as  i bent my back more making my ribs hurt.

"Clover will do this when you're better, i dont want to hurt you," he said kissing my neck.

My unused tears all flowed out and broke into sobs.

"I'm sorry you have snort all over your shirt, i was just down so bad and im not used to being with a patient person, i thought you would lose interest in me because I cant satisfy you're needs," i cried out as he held me tighter.

HIS CLOVERDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora