Born For This

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 I ran around my room, trying to get everything into my bags. 

How did this happen? How did Pike, who I thought was dead become Chancellor? What happened to my father? What about the others? And the most important question, why did Roan keep this from me?

I trusted him, like he was my brother, like he was family. But this was not the first time he betrayed me. But it will be the last. 

"Where are you going?", asked Podrik as he watched me put things into my bag, and wrap my furry coat around my shoulders.

"Home. My people need me", I replied curtly, and began stacking my books, and wrapping the furs up so I could sleep without getting cold.

"You can't", argued Podrik. "We need you, who will look after us when you are gone? We just started to get better and stronger. The people just learned to accept you. And now you leave?".

I sighed heavily, turning to him. 

"I have to. I am not kom Azgeda, I am Skaikru. I never belonged here. I am not one of you. I need to go, and help my people", I replied, clenching my jaw.

"You think they will accept you after all this time you spend with us? After you practically abandoned them?", asked Podrik, raising his voice but I ignored it, continuing to pack furiously. I had to leave as soon as possible.

"Audelia! You need to stay. Skaikru is no longer your people. You abandoned them for a reason. You did not belong with them. If you did, you would be with them right now, instead you are here, in charge of Azgeda. We need you. If Skaikru needed you, they would have send for you, took you with them by force, but they didn't", yelled Podrik and I stopped packing.

What he was saying was true. 

But I could not just sit here and let them die. 

"You may not have been born here. You may not have grown up with us, played with us when we were children, or learned our culture and language. But you are just as much Azgeda as we are, you proved as much when you fought for us. When you risked your life for us. The people may have been against you, but now they fear and respect you. They would die for you if you ask", continued Podrik, getting closer to me. 

I sank onto my bed, and rested my head in my hands. 

I was confused, lost.

What was I supposed to do, who was I supposed to fight for?

"Don't waste your time looking back. You are not going that way", urged Podrik as he looked at me with his large, green eyes, full of determination.

"We will die without you. As long as our King is in the capital, we have no leadership, nothing.", he continued, and I looked deep into his eyes, unsure of what to say.

"You were born for this, Audelia kom Azgeda".

I stared at him in shock and he nodded, as if answering my silent question that he did mean it. That he wasn't just saying it to keep me here. He meant every word he said.

"Roan knew it when he chose you, and now we know it too. Because you lead with your head and not with your heart. That is the quality of a good leader. We need you. Stay, please", he continued in a whisper.

I breathed in and out, but finally nodded.

I had to stay here. I had no other choice. I was one of them now. 

But I was also Skaikru. I was born on the Ark. I was raised on the Ark. I learned, played, broke, cried, and laughed on the Ark with my people. 

I would help them, one way or another, I promised myself I would find a way to help them. If there would ever be a war, then I will pray that what Podrik said was the truth. That the Azgeda warriors would follow me. Because if they do, Chancellor Pike won't stand a chance against them.

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