Against My Judgement

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"Came to say goodbye?", I asked in a mocking tone as Allek approached my cell. I had barely closed my eyes all night. I had tried yelling, I had tried picking my chain bracelet around my leg, I had tried banging on the bars. Nothing worked and nobody came. Either they didn't hear or they ignored me. But I had made peace with it. If I had to die, I would at least go down fighting.

"Still haven't changed your mind?", he asked hovering above me. I didn't reply, instead focusing my attention on the ground. "Pity", he simply said as he looked around.

"I still can't really understand why you had to do all these extravagant things for a chair and a small, cold headpiece that looks rather unflattering", I say finally as the silence became too deafening to me. I had been trying to figure out what motive Allek had besides wanting power. Was he mistreated badly as a child? Did he want to get revenge on somebody? The second one seemed most likely. From what I've seen, grounders love to hold grudges.

"Who should the Azgeda rally behind? A trueborn grandson of King Theo, born here in Azgeda, a man who wasted his whole life to practice, endure and learn just to become some army general. Or a fatherless bastard, whose mother didn't give two shits about?", he asked rhetorically. 

I could understand his side. He spend his whole life trying to be the perfect heir. Learning, paying attention while Roan was spending his time practicing his fighting. Allek felt betrayed. He wanted revenge, and he was getting it.

"So many men, they risk so little. They spend their lives avoiding danger, and then they die", he continued, lowering himself to one knee and looking at me sharply. "I risk everything to get what I want", he concluded.

"I feel sorry for you", I say, looking up to meet Allek's eyes. His face didn't change but his eyes gave away his true emotions. He was surprised. "You think, you try, you plan, and Every. Single. Time. Roan just comes up out of nowhere and casts you down. Some might think he has a natural talent for it", I say insultingly. Then I got closer to his face. "You think he will fall into this trap, he won't. He is the one laying out traps", I say through gritted teeth. I wanted to scare him, perhaps he will give something away but he only smirked.

"You are giving him too much credit", he said amused.

"I don't think I'm giving him enough", I reply, resting my back against the wall.

"Look around you, everyone here is a liar. And every single one of us is better than you", he said, standing up and straightening his shirt. "Besides, not like he is going to be able to do much now. The people love me, my armies respect me and my enemies fear me. After today, there will be nobody in my way. As soon as I get the throne I was born to sit on, I will take the 12 clans. I will end the commander's ruling, sit on the throne, with you by my side. Only for a couple years of course. Then I'll find another, more beautiful, younger than you", he declared and I looked up at him.

"I have this black dagger, perfect for slitting throats. It's what I am going to use to kill you. You are going to die today Lord Allek", I say with venom in my voice. He doesn't look fazed as he looks down at me. He opened his mouth to speak but I put my hand up, interrupting him. "No need to seize the last words Allek, I'll just assume it was something clever".

He scoffed lightly in amusement and walked away and out of the dungeons.

A couple hours later or it may have just been minutes that felt like they lasted life times, two guards came and picked me up, forcefully, and dragged me somewhere. They put chains around my hands and feet, that would make it very hard to escape but not impossible.

"We stand here today, in memory of our lost friends, but also to receive justice for them. Their murderer, runs free while we mourn. This cannot go unpunished! Blood must have blood!", I heard someone yell. The voice was familiar so I guessed that it was Allek. I straightened my posture a little, ignoring all the dirty looks people in the hallways were giving me and entered the room with my head held high.

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