Bloody Hell

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"Murphy, I know you can hear me. All our ammo and food is in the middle level. You know that. You're leaving us vulnerable to an attack. I can't let that happen.", said Bellamy through the radio.

"Yeah, well, in case you haven't noticed, you're not exactly in control right now.", replied Murphy, still pointing that gun at me and Jasper, tracking any movement we make. I tried to wiggle my hands, to see how tight the seatbelt was around my hands, unfortunately for me, it was tighter than I thought.

"Come on, Murphy. You don't want to hurt Jasper or Audelia. You want to hurt me. So what do you say? How about you trade them for me?", asked Bellamy through the radio and I immediately didn't like that idea.

"Bellamy, don't!", I yelled but Murphy hit me across the face with his gun, silencing me.

"All you have to do is let them go, and I'll take their place.", continued Bellamy through the radio. Murphy looked at me, as if thinking about his answer.

"How?", asked Murphy after a moment, turning around, walking towards the door. I took that as my chance and I got my dagger from my boot, and started cutting the seatbelt.

"Simple, they walk out, I walk in", I heard Bellamy reply. Cutting this seatbelt was harder than it looked, I was only half way done when Murphy noticed what I was doing, and grabbed me by my hair.

"You little bitch...", he whispered and hit me across the face yet again.

"Fine, I agree to your little deal, but tell your little girlfriend to behave or I put a bullet in her brain before she walks out", said Murphy into the radio. He dragged me up and Jasper stood up as well, following me. He pulled the lever, opening the dropship doors.

"Just you, Bellamy, unarmed.", warned Murphy.

"10 seconds, or I'll put one in your girlfriend's leg. One...", began Murphy, he was holding me tightly. I raised my foot and stomped on his foot, making him let go of me for a second but while I tried to fight off the seatbelt around my hands, Murphy roughly dragged me and pushed me down the dropship ramp.

"Oof", I breathed out.

"Audelia, are you okay?", asked Bellamy, helping me stand up. I nodded my head.

"Three... Four...", counted Murphy. Bellamy gave me a gently kiss on the forehead.

"Bellamy, don't he'll kill you", I warned, with fear in my eyes but he shook his head.

"I'll be okay Firecracker.", he promise me and walked inside the dropship just as Jasper got pushed out. Octavia unwrapped the seatbelts around my hands.

"What's the plan?", I asked as soon as I was free.

"Raven is under the dropship, she's trying to-", explained Octavia but I was already running to Raven.

"Birdie, report", I ordered as I climbed down to where Raven was.

"We are neck deep in shit", she replied.


"Stop thinking like a mechanic and find me something to shoot through.", I said and pulled out my revolter. She glanced at me for a second.

"Well, this mechanic's gonna hotwire the door.", replied Raven and returned to the wires. I looked at them, but I wasn't specialized in wiring anything, so I had only the knowledge that Raven and Sinclair taught me, which wasn't much.

"There's the hatch.", I pointed out. Then I saw Jasper come running, he dropped down to us, and looked at each of us.

"Locks from above. Forget it. I give you an order, you follow it, right?", asked Raven, looking at Jasper. She knew I wouldn't follow her orders. Not because I didn't trust her but because I had a tendency to do whatever I wanted. 

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