God's Sake

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"A Skaikru? Part of our council? Have we really sunk that low?", I heard a male grounder ask as I was about to enter the throne room.

As the Hand of the King, I was expected to fulfill my role, and run the council of grounders that advise the King. I had never done this before. I didn't even know grounders had something of a council. But I guess they were more civilized than we thought.

"You will listen to her. I chose her as my Hand because I trust you, more than I can say for all of you. If I hear that you are disrespecting her, or going behind my back. I will not hesitate but kill you", threatened Roan. He really took my advice to heart.

I composed myself, and walked inside the room. It was cold, with only a couple torches on the wall. The ceiling was high, and the only piece of furniture was the long table in the middle of the room. At one end was King Roan, and on each side were 6 grounders. Each of them looked at me with their ice cold eyes. I didn't react to their stares instead sat down on my spot and intertwined my fingers with each other.

"Love the table, amazing atmosphere. Much nicer than the capitals council table", I say sarcastically and Roan send me a look. "So, what are working on?".

"I refuse to work with the Skaikru bitch. She will just drive Azgeda to the ground. And I will not be part of it.", said a grounder.

"Are you refusing the order of our King, Tobin?", asked the grounder woman that bend the knee first when Roan gave the ultimatum at Allek's trial. "That is treason".

"Are you commiting treason, Tobin?", asked Roan threateningly, that shut the ground up and he didn't stand.

"Echo", said Roan to the grounder woman. "Escort the councillors outside. I think we are done for today. If they wish to continue their work, and not lose their heads. They shall come and meet tomorrow morning".

"Yes my King", replied Echo and the councillors all stood, bowing to Roan and leaving the room. I waited for the door to close before saying anything.

"That was nice, wouldn't you agree?", I ask sarcastically as he sat down on his chair with a huff.

"They are still bitter about Allek", he replied. "They do not think what we did was justice".

"Seriously?", I ask.

"They say he was murdered on false charges".

"The innocents are murdered. The guilty are executed. Allek was not innocent", I reply and he looked up, nodding slightly.

"Try telling them that", he mumbled.

"Any news from the capital. I do hope they haven't heard of our.... situation".

"No, they haven't. Although Clarke send a letter to you, while you were imprisoned.", he continued and handed me a piece of paper. It used to be sealed but it wasn't now.

"Curious, aren't ya?", I asked jokingly.

"I had to make sure Skaikru wasn't planning anything. But I couldn't read it", he replied.

"Can you even read?", I ask, looking at him. He looked somewhat offended. "This is a serious question Roan".

"Of course I can!", he exclaimed. I went to grab a book on the table. The writing was bad but I was able to read some of it. I passed the book to him.

"Read", I order.

"I already told you that I can-", he argued but I raised my eyebrows expectantly and he sighed, taking the book.

"Becca... Franko. Born in....", he stopped.

"Born in?", I repeated. 

"Two, zero two five", he concluded. I sighed, trying hard not to laugh. "What?".

"The great King Roan kom Azgeda can't read!", I exclaimed, failing and beginning to laugh.

"Shut up!", he said, throwing a crumpled piece of paper at me.

"You really shouldn't mess with people who are bigger than you", he said.

"Then I wouldn't get to mess with anyone", I argued playfully.

I looked at the letter Clarke send. It was morse code. No surprise he couldn't read it.

'It is only a matter of time before every clan hears, but Lexa is dead. I need you back in the capital immediately. We need a plan'.

"What does it say?", asked Roan as he noticed how my face changed.

"Does she miss you already?", asked Roan playfully.

"Lexa's dead", I mumble as I look over at him and Roan straightened immediately.

"I have to go home".

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