False Hope

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I woke up. It was still very early, as the run was just beginning to rise. I looked behind me, but everyone was still asleep. Bellamy was snoring into my right ear loudly but I didn't mind. I then realized how stupid it was of us not to have anybody awake on watch during the night.

"Doodle", I cursed under my breath and turned back around, snuggling into Bellamy but I knew I wouldn't be able to fall asleep again. I wiggled myself out of his grasps and out of the sleeping bag. I put on my shoes, taking longer than ever to tie the shoelaces and then I brushed my hair, half of which was made into a braid that wraps around the back of my head and the rest was free. "Wake up Freckles", I whispered, nudging Bellamy slightly. He scrunched up his face in protest as I chuckled lightly. I nudged Clarke awake with my foot, and then I threw a stick at Octavia. She sprung into action right away, pulling out her sword, ready to strike anybody. She relaxed when she only saw me and my devilish grin.

"Good Morning", I say as Clarke pushes herself up to get ready

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"Good Morning", I say as Clarke pushes herself up to get ready. Bellamy was still in the sleeping bag with his head buried inside. I poke it. Then I poke it again. And again.

"Stop", grumbled Bellamy as he poked his head out. His hair was a mess and he had a scowl on his face. I bit my bottom lip trying not to laugh. Just as he was turning away, I poked his cheek again. He slowly looked at me and then lunged pinning me to the ground, hovering above me and then brushing my lips with his. I heard exaggerated sighs behind him, and while Bellamy was distracted, I tipped him over, now I was hovering on top of him. He seemed surprised that I was able to do that, especially since he was 4 times my weight. This time I gave him a quick peck on the lips and got up to get ready. He got up with a groan, putting on his shoes and messing his hair even more, meanwhile I was organizing my daggers. 

I looked at the dagger that Roan had gifted me to help me fight against the grounders. I twirled it in my hands for a moment, thinking about him. I wanted to train, spend some time with him, as he was a very interesting person. I also felt a strange connection with him that I've never felt with anybody else, not even Kyle or Bellamy. It's like we were close and could trust each other with our lives but we haven't really gotten to know each other. At the same time I feel like I've known him for as long as I can remember. I quickly put away the dagger before any of my friends saw it and we continued our journey.

I was walking ahead with Octavia, while Bellamy walked closer to Clarke. I couldn't help but overhear their conversation.

"Last time I saw you, you were closing the dropship door. It had to be done.", assured Bellamy. I knew Clarke felt guilty about that, and it was nice of him to reassure her. "You haven't seen him, Clarke. Losing you, the others, the war, it changed him. He executed the Grounder that drew us the map. Pulled the trigger without even blinking and walked away."

"That doesn't sound like Finn", replied Clarke and I could feel her nervousness.

"No, it doesn't. I saw what he was capable of, and still I let him go with Murphy and 2 automatic rifles.", continued Bellamy.

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