Fall With The Night

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I walked outside of the dropship. It was raining  hard, the wind was blowing my hair everywhere, and I could feel myself shiver already. But I couldn't stay in this camp any longer. I couldn't stay here with these barbarians. I walked quickly, ignoring people's shouts, and entered the forest. It was very windy, but it was easier inside because of the trees. I decided to walk until a cave or something and wait out the storm there, alone. I walked for around 10 minutes, freezing with every step, then I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around but I wasn't fast enough to react. I felt something hit my head and my world went black.

I woke up with a groan. My head and body hurt a lot. I opened my eyes, and saw that I was inside a cave, and there was a fire not far away from me. A man was sitting in front of it, staring into it with no emotion evident on his face.

"Oh great, I got captured by some random grounder who will most likely eat me alive", I whispered under my breath as I sat up

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"Oh great, I got captured by some random grounder who will most likely eat me alive", I whispered under my breath as I sat up. My talking got the attention of the grounder and he quickly walked towards me. He took out some rope and tied it around my wrists and legs.

"As if I could run somewhere during the storm", I said sarcastically. The grounder looked at me for a second, then returned to his spot at the fire.

"What's the plan here? We wait till the storm dies down so you can bring me to your people, so I can be tortured for information and later killed? I want to know if I need to start praying yet", I joke. I always joked in awkward or scary situations, in an attempt to raise the mood of he others.

The grounder looked at me and I looked back with the same fierceful look I always gave to strangers. So they knew not to fuck with me.

"Alright. Silence it is", I whisper and look away from him, moving my body to be more comfortable. I looked around, seeing my two daggers on the floor, near his weapons. Then I noticed that there was a blanket under me, and I looked at the grounder who was still staring at the fire.

"Thanks for the blanket Mister", I thank him, even though he probably couldn't understand me. That caught him off guard and he looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"It was nice of you, I would think the grounders would kill me right away or at least you know, not care about my personal well-being, but you at least put a blanket under me. That's kind", I elaborate. I was nervous, and whenever I was nervous, I talked a lot. The grounder looked at me for another moment, then back at the fire. We stayed like that for about an hour, I wasn't sure but it was a while, and I noticed that the storm had already died down a little. It was still raining but it wasn't as dangerous anymore.

"Why were you so far from your camp?", asked the grounder suddenly. His voice was deep and a little hoarse but it was probably because it was the middle of the night.

"So you can speak English. Nice to know", I replied with a small polite smile, but then cleared my throat remembering his question. "Some people have a tendency to piss me off, and I left in hopes of spending the night alone in a cave, but obviously that didn't work out".

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