For God's Sake

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"What's happening?", I demanded to know as I attempted to stand up, but I wobbled. My ankle was injured but right now, that was the least of my problems. I had to find my father.

"I-", began Octavia but she was cut off when Indra hit the floor not far from her. She was shot.

"Octavia!", yelled Lincoln, warning Octavia to get down to the floor, and she did so, pulling me down with her.

"Lincoln, you must stop the bleeding.", yelled a grounder I didn't recognize. Lincoln looked at a half conscious Indra. I would have crawled over to them, but I couldn't. They were on the other side, and unless I wanted to be shot, I had to stay put.

"Indra, let me help you", I heard Lincoln beg and scoffed. Indra had so much pride, it would kill her some day.

"No", I heard Indra reply and I rolled my eyes, unable to stop myself. I heard loud clanging noises coming from somewhere below on Lincoln's side on the village. I furrowed my eyebrows but decided not to pay attention to that, and instead try and help Lincoln save Indra.

"What do we do?", asked Octavia disoriented and agitated. I saw a grounder get up from our side and start running in hopes of getting to his war chief.

"No!", I screamed but was too late, the sniper already shot him, right in the head. 

"We're trapped", breathed out Octavia.

"I say we use the sky girls to draw fire", proposed a grounder and I looked at him, narrowing my eyes at his ugly face.

"Got a problem?", asked Octavia cockily.

"Yes, you are the bringers of death", replied the grounder through gritted teeth.

"We are neck deep up shit creek with our mouths wide open", I whisper under my breathe so only Octavia hears me.

"Someone's alive down here!", I heard someone yell. I tried to look around, to see where the person was yelling from but I couldn't. I was so disoriented. My head was spinning but I forced myself into a crouch position.

"Octavia, come one!", yelled Lincoln and I followed Octavia quickly and quietly, unnoticed to them. It was hard for me to keep up with my injured ankle, and my possibly concussed head, but I managed.

"What're we gonna do we can't move.", asked the grounder I've seen before. I looked around carefully.

"I'm going for the shooter. I'll sound the horn when it's done.", announced Lincoln.

"Maybe we can distract him, while you go for him", I propose. Lincoln slowly nods his head.

"I'm coming with you", replied Octavia stubbornly.

"No, Nyko needs you here.", argued Lincoln, getting ready to leave.

"Are you sure you're up for this?", asked Octavia, stopping Lincoln with her hand. He nodded.

"Ge smak daun, geyon op nodataim", said Lincoln in his language confidently. Octavia nodded and let him go. He carefully sneaked into the woods, and we could no longer see him.

"What can I do?", I asked Nyko right away.

"Pressure here!", ordered Nyko and I obliged, apply pressure to Indra's wound. It looked pretty bad but with Nyko's help and my knowledge that I have aquired from Clarke, she should live.

"This is my village, You're the chief's second, save our people.", ordered Indra as she looked at Octavia, she then turned to me. "You are trusted by the commander, so I trust you. Don't disappoint".

"Not in my nature", I replied cockily, smirking at her.

"We're pinned down and the other seconds won't follow me.", argued Octavia and Indra looked at her with anger. I could tell she was losing too much blood and she would soon pass out.

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