Back From The Dead

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"Tell me something Roan", I ask Roan as we sit by the fire in silence.

"What do you want to hear?", he asked, leaning back a little.

"Anything. Whatever comes first to your mind", I reply with a small smile, looking at him, waiting for him to say something.

"My old home is called Azgeda. One of the 12 clans.", began Roan and I looked at him surprised.

"12 clans. That's a lot of people, who's in charge?", I asked him.

"The Commander. Right now it's Commander Lexa, she gave my mother the option of joining the coalition but only if she banished me", explained Roan.

"That sucks. Your commander does not sound very nice", I reply. He scoffs.

"You can say that. I have been on the run for the past 2 and a half years", continued Roan.

"That must have been terribly lonely and dangerous. If you don't have a clan, that means you are not part of the coalition and I'm guessing that also means that you can get attacked and nobody will care", I conclude and he nods.

"You get used to it though. Being alone", he says and looks back down to the fire, meaning that he was done talking. 

"I was born a twin", I begin my story. "And back on the Ark, that's where I'm from, you are not allowed to have more than one child or you get punished. So whenever twins were born, the weaker one was floated".

"Floated?", asked Roan.

"Executed", I explain. "And, that day, my mom was on drugs because she just had a C-section, that's when the doctors take out the baby themselves rather than the mom pushes them out. Anyway, they noticed a heart murmur in my brother's heart, and because of that they decided to float him.". I looked at Roan for a moment, who was looking at me intently.

"I don't even know why I'm telling you all of this", I whisper and look away.

"Tell me. I'll listen. It's not like I can tell anyone else", pushed Roan and I smiled a little.

"My mom always wanted a son, and when she found out that her perfect son was floated and she was left with her terrible daughter, she snapped. Refused to hold me, feed me, even look at me", I continue, looking at the fire, remembering all the hurtful things she told me. "My dad had to take care of me".

"Then a year later, my parents separated because of my mother's behavior. And because my dad works constantly, I had to stay with my mother". A tear rolls down my cheek but I wipe it away. "She hated me. A lot. Threw things at me, yelled at me, when I turned 6, she got her belt and hit me across the back. Not with the leathery part, but with the buckle part", I continue, remembering the painful scars on my back. I put a hand on my shoulder, rubbing it.

"May I?", asked the grounder and I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows but realized what he was asking.

"I don't usually show anybody but I guess", I reply quietly and take of my leather jacket, turning to Roan so he could see. I felt him roll up my shirt, and then silence followed. He stared at my scarred skin, a little bit shocked. He was expecting me to be lying, just trying to get pity out of him so he wouldn't hurt me but I was telling the truth.

"I'm sorry that happened to you. My mother wasn't the best either but nowhere near yours", apologized Roan.

"Why are you apologizing, you did nothing wrong?", I mimic him from earlier and I finally see him smile.

"It's polite", he mimics me back. I put my jacket back on, and zip it. We sat in silence for a moment longer.

"She always told me that my brother was born lucky", I begin and he looked at me with sadness in his eyes. "And I was lucky to be born". 

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