A New Beginning

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"You are too aggressive", warned Lexa as I lunged with my sword again. "Don't let anger take over. It makes it much easier to kill you", explained Lexa. I nodded, taking a deep breath, and lunging again towards her. She blocked it, and instead lunged herself but I was quick enough to defend myself. "Good, you're learning".

"I sure hope so, it's been 3 months", I reply, putting my sword in it's sleeve

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"I sure hope so, it's been 3 months", I reply, putting my sword in it's sleeve.

"Have patience. Roan had taught you well, but it wasn't enough. I practiced for years to get where I am now. You will too", assured Lexa as she passed her sword to Titus, who put it away. "I have a meeting to attend to now, I will see you for dinner".

"Is it about Clarke?", I asked suddenly as Lexa was leaving the room.

"Yes, I found a more suited person for the job", replied Lexa after a silent moment.

"Who?", I asked, turning around, and walking closer to her.

"You wouldn't know them", replied Lexa, leaving with Titus right behind her. I sighed a little frustrated, and decided to take a walk through the streets, maybe visit the little nightbloods.

I walked quickly to my room, changing into my usual attire, and taking my sword with me as I left the building. There were so many people out here, so much chattering, kids running around. They were happy. I wish I could say the same about myself.

I regretted running away. I knew Bellamy must be hurting right now, and my dad too. But I wanted to be selfish. I needed to take some time to get myself back together. I owed this to myself. Besides, I doubted anybody would've wanted me around after what I did. 

Children, little children burned, innocent people burned. I still saw them in my dreams. Every night. Their blister filled faces, their tear filled eyes... I couldn't take it.

I looked around, and some grounders walked around me in fear, some looked me up and down and returned to their conversations, others just looked at me with respect.

I was known as Wangona, while Clarke was known as Wanheda. Wangona meant the warrior of death. I hated the name, I did. It reminded me of everything I did. But I couldn't escape it, it was part of my punishment. Unfortunately, Wangona wasn't the only other nickname I had. When I got to Polis and joined Lexa, I... went a little off the rails. I so desperately wanted to do something good that I began murdering grounders that committed crimes. Theft, murder, rape, anything and everything. With Lexa's permission of course, but I did it. I knew that it only made me a worse person, but I needed to believe that I was doing something half decent. Which is why I was also known as Nightslayer, the unknown person who killed those who did something wrong at night. People loved to gossip, especially about the unknown killer.

I hated who I was becoming, but I didn't have enough strength to stop. No one was there for me either to help me stop. It was like an addiction. And usually I preferred to fight my battles on my own, but I needed someone now. My dad, Bellamy, Kyle, Raven, or even Roan. But they were all gone. I left my family, my friends, and that was a mistake. I couldn't go back now. They would hate me, and I don't think I could handle their hatred on top of the hatred of other grounders as well. I had to live with what I did.

Your Fight Is Not Over // The 100Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora