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(Right now all the Trig language is written without translation since Audelia has no idea what they mean but with time and practice she will receive the text I write in trig will be in cursive but like english words. I don't know, I feel like that makes the experience better unless y'all want me to write the translations, then in that case, let me know)

We set up camp for the night, as we were exhausted, and still haven't reached TonDC. I wasn't tired but I knew I needed rest, so I put down my sleeping bag that Bellamy brought with him. We had decided not to share one, since we were with the grounders. I put my sleeping bag not far from Clarke's, which wasn't far from the grounders.

"Clarke, Audelia, it's safer on our side", said Bellamy as he saw what we were doing.

"We need to trust them Bellamy", said Clarke, lying down. I looked at Bellamy. 

"There are no more sides", I argued too, lying down, inside my sleeping bag, and curling into a ball. I heard rustling and looked up, Bellamy had moved his sleeping bag closer to me, lying down inside. I send him a sad smile, which he returned.

I knew this was hard for him as well. Finn was his friend and he felt like he failed him.

"It's gonna be okay, my Cutie Patootie", I whispered so only he would hear. A goofy smile spread across his lips.

"You are such a silly person", he whispered back, making me smirk.

"Yet you love me", I replied, lying back down.

"Yeah yeah, goodnight", replied Bellamy, also lying down with a small groan. After a few minutes I could hear his even breaths. He was asleep. A tear rolled down the side of my face, which I wiped right away. The smile and the warmth in my chest had disappeared. I couldn't break, not now. So I rolled to my side, and closed my eyes, a hand on Roan's dagger, just in case.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of the grounders all starting to get up. I got up quickly as well, fixing my clothes and hair. I nudged Bellamy awake with my foot, and he got up quickly as well. He helped me with my sleeping bag, as my arm was still broken. It was getting annoying really, I just wanted it to heal already so I could do things like a normal person. I had to go to Jackson and see if my arm was ready yet, which I doubted but I still had to go for a check up.

We all walked to TonDC, arriving a little later than noon. I was tired, hungry, thirsty, sad but I had to act strong, fearless. The grounders needed to see that we weren't just sheep, succumbing to the lion after a defeat, they needed to see that we were the lions, just like them.

"Weapons", said Gustus, standing right in front of me. I nodded and took out my revolter, my two dropship daggers and Roan's dagger. I had no other weapons, except the bullets in my pocket but they were practically useless without a gun. Gustus moved on to the other people as I stood. Bellamy, my dad and Raven were standing close to me.

Gusts moved on to the last person, which was Raven but she refused to give up her weapons, so Gusts searched her and took them by himself. I sighed quietly, silently praying that Raven would not sabotage our whole mission for peace.

"Heda, hogeda clear", said Gustus, turning back to the commander. She nodded her head, and turned around just as the grounders were opening the gates to their village.

They had smiles on their faces when they saw the commander but they disappeared when they noticed us.

"Heda, monin bakon! Chomouda yu don Yu lid in emo hir? Wan gon Skaikru! Fraga gyon au hou!", yelled the people loudly. One of the grounders neared us through the crowds and went up right to the commander.

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