What in the world is going on?!

By evening time, the maid who I now know as Theresa asked me to get ready because I will be having dinner with the family. I stare at her looking flabbergasted...family?

"Do you need any help ma'am? " she asked quietly, her now distinct Italian accent heavily coated her words when she spoke.

"No but thank you, I will be okay for now" I said rubbing my fingers on my forehead trying to suppress the growing headache.

I listen attentively as the door closes after her.  Family? I don't have any family here... Who are these people?

My eyes shifts to the dress laid beside me on the bed. It was a black chiffon dress, the flare starts from the waist, it is simple yet beautiful. I was given a pair of black sandals to wear.

Why do I feel like am being pampered by my abductors?, I don't want to do this but I have no other choice, if I want to know why am here, I have to dance to their tunes.

Taking a long bath in the ensuite inside my room.  Washing away every dirt and grim. I did not take my bath ever since I got here and I stink.

Washing my hair with the shampoo that was put in there probably by Theresa, I smell like lemon and mint due to the bathing gel, not my go to scent but I have no choice.

I got out of the bathroom, dressing up as quick as possible before sitting back down waiting to be called cause am 101% sure that the door was locked.

Sitting on the bed as I stare out through the large window at the end of the room thinking about how all this happened. Am held against my will by someone powerful, I can see that from the pregnant lady.

I sat down there for what felt like hours but it's just twenty minutes but the tension made it so. The door suddenly opens making me tense up. I didn't realize that the door has been opened.

I tense as I hear the heavy footstep, a male? Now things has taken new turn, I never expected a male. I gulp biting my lip as the person took calculative steps towards where I was sitting since I refused to turn around.

Not looking up as the person stops right in front of me, wearing black boots, long legs clad in dark jeans. I took a sharp breath as his scent invades my sense of smell. I felt a growing headache as images from the past flashes through my head.

My head whip up to see the intruder, my heart flew out of my chest at the face I saw. I opened my mouth to say something but close it again as my mind was blank due to the shock and fear I felt right now.

An uneasy smile appeared on his face as mine lost its colour.

What is Antonio Banerio doing here?!

I shook my head, closing my eyes in denial, maybe he is an illusion caused by my over thinking. I open them to find him still standing there.

"An-Antonio....? " I said my throat going dry making my voice cracky.

"Princess.. " I winced at the God forsaken nickname he gave me. I am no one's princess! I screeched moving far away from him on reflex as his hand reach out for me.

His face drops at my behavior, I shook like a scared kitten . What the actual freaking-

"Please don't touch me" I can't believe that was my voice which I just heard but its actually is.

His hand froze midway as he froze in his steps staring at me for a while.

"Let's go... I will like you to meet everyone"

I was still in a confused state when he said he will like me to meet everyone, but when he said everyone... He meant everyone.

I moved away from his warmth finding the whole thing scary and disturbing. He was acting like we are friends, even after what he did.

"Antonio.. " I look up to see the woman who seems to be in her late forties calling his name. "you are here early"

That was when I realized we had company. I took the next sit available in the grandeur dining table which was beside the pregnant lady who gave me a small smile.

I look and feel sick right now... Everyone I knew was here... Alejandro, Nicholio.... Even Jared! What game are the playing?

They were all avoiding eye contacts.

"You brought your friend" I look up from the roast in front of me to meet the face of the man who sat at the head of the table.

Lucio Hulio Banerio...

A chill ran down my spine as we lock eyes. This man his my father's bane of existence.

"Now don't scare the girl, brother" the woman chastised him while he only rolled his eyes. She must have seen the fear and confusion on my face with the whole thing going on.

I sat like a wet duck as the woman called the maids to serve our food. She seems to have a sense of authority around here. Apart from her, it was only I and the pregnant girl who was sitting beside Alejandro that are females in the room.

"You know whenever your name is being mentioned around here, I always thought of you as a myth but seeing you here... I can see why my nephew went crazy" the woman spoke cutting into the cooked potato.

I look around again for help but it seems everyone is ignoring me or they are pretending they don't know what the woman was saying.

"What the f*ck is going on?!"

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