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The Struggles Of Being A Mother Of Villains

Ji Xuan was too lazy to pester him, so he asked him, "Is there anything wrong with you this time?"

Yu Yunfei immediately became serious and said, "Oh, yes, it is like this. I finally received a commercial movie by myself at the end of last year. I played the elegant piano boy in it."

Ji Xuan frowned, "the man's table"

Yu Yunfei "I don't know."

Ji Xuan "Go on."

So, Yu Yunfei continued to say, "So, I think it's rare for me to win a role by myself, so I should be more dedicated."

Ji Xuan immediately connected and said, "This is why you appeared on the live broadcast."

"Zhong Ah" Yu Yunfei patted his thigh and said, "Big Brother Ji, you and my second brother have been comrades-in-arms for many years, you can help me."

Xiao Yu understood it. No wonder she had just started the live broadcast and Yu Yunfei was able to find him. He was clearly looking for the four words piano teaching. On the live broadcast, there are not many piano teachings. He started a new live broadcast. He should have come in because of curiosity.

Yu Yunfei said to Xiao Yu, "At that time, I just found the teaching category. Where can I find a piano? I searched it, and I found you. By the way, I didn't know you were a piano player at first. You said you In piano teaching, the name of the room called me a musician. I thought what kind of instrument you were. As soon as I entered, I was shocked by my sister-in-law's show operation. I almost forgot that I was going to learn piano."

Xiao Yu bowed his head in shame, "As a result, I have broadcast live for a few days, and I have never taught people how to play the piano."

Yu Yunfei waved his hand, "It's okay, didn't you get angry later, I don't think you came up much later."

Xiao Yu nodded and said, "Well, enough money."

Yu Yunfei, "sister-in-law, is really a hero of the female middle school", even that little money has made enough.

Ji Xuan sighed. Xiao Yu was actually surprised by the huge amount of money he made. Later, because of preparations for the competition, he spent most of the time practicing piano, so he didn't go up again. But later, Ban Zhenye told herself that when Xiao Yu signed the contract, the company required her to go up at least three times a week, and each trip should be no less than one hour.

On this matter, the company heard that Xiao Yu had breached the contract. He still remembered that Ji Xuan had deducted Xiao Yu's money and sent a message to Ban Zhenye.

What can Ban Zhenye say about a normal company? Seeing that you make so much and you breach the contract, you will definitely have to deduct some. But because of the relationship between Xiao Yu and Ji's family, after Ban Zhenye replied to Ji Xu, Ji Xu not only didn't let them deduct Xiao Yu's money, but even directly told them not to contact Xiao Yu. The back door was so shameless.

Speaking of this, Ji Xuan also looked at Xiao Yu and said, "Are you still going to start the live broadcast?"

"Open, why don't you open it, it's always making money." Xiao Yu laughed.

Ji Xuan ""

Yu Yunfei""

The two big guys who dumped money were a little bit concave in their hearts, but Ji Xuan still said, "Do you know how many times to go up a week?"

Xiao Yu was stunned, "Is there anything I want?"

"You didn't read the contract" Ji Xuan was speechless.

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