Arriving In Atlas

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Qrow: "If you've never seen Atlas before, now's your chance."

Ruby walks to the front of the ship as we past through the clouds.

Ruby: "Is it weird that I'm nervous?"

Yang: "Nah, I'll believe we're in Atlas when I see it."

Weiss: "Well you better believe it."

We pass by some clouds and see the floating kingdom of Atlas.

Ruby: "What is it Weiss?"

We look where she's looking to find Atlas airships packed tightly in the air.

Weiss: "The Atlas Air fleet, I've never seen them like this before."

Jaune: "But we're here. So maybe we land and see what answers we can get."

Weiss: "I don't know, if we land in a stolen airship then we'll be arrested or worse."

Ruby: "So?"

Weiss: "Winter. Take us away from the fleet."

Maria nods and flies us closer to Mantle. We look around and see that everyone is miserable.

Weiss: "None of this feels right."

Radio: "Manta 5-1, please report to docking bay Omega-12."

Yang: "We need to ditch the ship."

Qrow: "Agreed, lose ourselves in Mantle until we know what's going on here."

Weiss: "My sister can get us to Ironwood."

Blake: "Weiss?"

We look where her finger is pointing and see who I assume is Winter being displayed on the side of a building.

Winter: "Reminder, disobeying military orders is a punishable offense."

Qrow: "No offense, but I think that idea's off the table."

Weiss: "No, there's something wrong here. We just gotta-"

Maria: "Enough. I know someone who may be able to help us with both of our problems."

Maria flies the airship closer to the ground until she lands. We walk down the street until we arrive at a pharmacy place.

Maria: "Long time no see friend."

Man: "Do I know you?"

Maria: "You gave me optical cybernetic implants. Have to calibrate them every ten years or so."

Man: "Of course, Maria. How are you? Has it been ten years already?"

Maria: "I know, I'm aging like fine wine."

Qrow: "And who might this be?"

Pietro: "You may call me Pietro. What might I be able to help you with?"

Yang: "We wondering if you could tell us what's happening here."

Pietro: "Beacon's fall affected everyone. That even goes for Ironwood. No one knows exactly what he saw there but it shook him to his core. Made him..."

Qrow: "Scared."

Pietro: "Try paranoid. It wasn't just the Grimm; someone took apart the Atlas security code and turned it into their personal plaything. Made us look like traitors to some and idiots to the rest. I fear whoever did that is either a genius or one of our very own. I dread thinking it's both, and so does the General."

Oscar: "We came all this way, we can't just leave, right?"

Weiss: "What's the council have to say about all of this?"

Pietro: "They're so scared they're willing to do whatever he says. Although some Mantle representatives... hold on, you're Weiss Schnee."

Yang: "Wait, what about Mantle?"

Pietro: "Your arm, you painted it."

Ruby: "Is everything okay sir?"

Pietro: "You're team RWBY."

Ruby: *gasp* "You know us!?!"

Pietro: "I do my girl, and I feel dumb for not seeing it earlier. My daughter has told me a lot about you."

Ruby: "Your daughter?"

Suddenly sirens blare making us go outside. We look down the street and see Sabyrs tearing apart Atlas robots. They look at us and howl making the whole pack charge at us.

Ruby: "Emerge."

I spring out of my ring and plow straight through the pack of Sabyrs. Three roar at me then charge. I summon my sword and ready myself. I lean back dodging a lunging Sabyr. I pivot and slice its head off; another Sabyr swipes its claws at me barely missing me. It then jumps up and attempts to bite down on my face. I hold out my sword keeping its jaws from closing. 

I summon my gun and fire a bullet down the Sabyr's throat. It bursts into ashes when the last Sabyr pounces on my back. It sinks its fangs into my right shoulder making me scream in pain. I grab its left ear and yank pulling it off my shoulder and ripping out a few of its teeth. I lift it up and slam it on the ground hard enough to break its back. 

The Sabyr turns ashes when I turn around and fire my gun taking out a Sabyr about to strike Ruby down. I lift my sword above me and block a set of claws. I hold the Sabyr back and ready my gun. I load up a bullet when a green laser fires from the sky and takes it out. The rest of the Sabyrs get killed and the owner of the lasers lands.

Ruby: "Penny!!"

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